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High level character low level quests.

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    High level character low level quests.

    This is probably a noob question and rightfully so because I only just bought the guide.

    I tried the free version on a brand new character and made it to lvl 20 in next to no time so I bought the full kit but now that I have it I have tried to apply it to my lvl 49 Worgen Warrior and the guide will only offer me quests as high as 21-26.

    I read about the SIS that is supposed to take your character and create a quest plan based on race/class/level/whatever, or thats my understanding at least. So why can't I get it to give me a quest line that is appropriate for my characters level?

    Any info is appreciated.

    While logged in, click the little down arrow in the top middle area of the viewer, right below the Zygor logo, pick a level appropriate guide and you should be off to the races. As you go through the leveling process, it will ask (when your level is at the appropriate point to skip ahead to the next guide) whether you want to skip to the next zone or not. If you select decline, it will not ask you again FOR THAT ZONE.

    If you arent seeing any other guides, you might need to reset Zygor.

    First, COMPLETELY exit WoW.

    Then, delete the Zygor addon folder in your program files\world of warcraft\interface\addons folder, then go inside the program files\world of warcraft\wtf\account\(account name)\saved variables folder and delete both zygorguidesviewer.lua and zygorguidesviewer.lua.bak files.

    Then, reinstall the addon via the Zygor updater or if you prefer, download the addon manually and place it in the usual interface\addons folder.
    Race and Class: Dwarven Priest Character Name: Jacq US server: Cenarion Circle
    Primary Spec: Shadow Secondary Spec: Discipline


      AHH FANTASTIC. I did have to delete and reboot zygor, but it worked. Thanks heaps man.

