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Jade Forest Step 25: Pathing Issue

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    Jade Forest Step 25: Pathing Issue

    Awhile back I posted about a weird pathing issue with having to run across a bridge then having to run back, it seems like the beginning was fixed but on step 25 the marker is half way across the bridge you reach it and you have to turn right around

    Yeah, we still have to investigate a few odd arrow issues in the beginning of the Jade Forest guide to figure out what's happening and get them fixed.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

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      This happens because of the two waypoints the travel system uses to give the player a proper route from the starting area to the village and later on from the village across the bridge to the east.
      Without those two waypoints you would get problematic paths on other occasions. But maybe using a few "follow the path here" steps would be the better solution if the Zygor team can't get the pathing there working (I was unable to fix it by playing around with the waypoints).

