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Kun-Lai Summit (87-88) Step 301 fails!

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    Kun-Lai Summit (87-88) Step 301 fails!

    Kun-Lai Summit (87-88) Step 301 fails!

    Either the directions given by Zygor in this step are incorrect, or the quest is bugged.
    I tried 4 times, and it failed each time.

    When the caravan appears, I do as the guide says to do. The caravan vanishes!
    Then, I tried to follow the caravan (without clicking on Zygor's instruction) and the caravan still vanished. I went to the next step to see if they were there ahead of me, but they were nowhere to be seen.

    What's going on with this step?

    Step 203-Kun-Laie Summit (87-88).jpg

    If you do not see the caravan leave that area (you can follow on foot or ground mount no problem) then it means it's bugged on Blizzard's end. Normally what will happen is they'll arrive there and then after a couple minutes they'll vanish and reappear right away to start the journey to the next stop. If they don't reappear and walk out of the camp it's Blizzard's fault.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      ok. thanks cabby.

