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Which Spec to Choose For Shaman Leveling

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    Which Spec to Choose For Shaman Leveling

    Should i choose the Enhancement or Elemental?
    which does the best dps and which is quicker?
    ty just levling my level 10 shammy
    Zygor Dungeon Guide

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    Zygor leveling guide

    I've heard it recommended using enhancement for solo leveling. Personally I use elemental, but that's because I have restoration as a secondary spec. That way I get the full benefit of both, without having separate sets of gear for dps/healing.

    I have also been told that elemental gear at 80 doesn't scale very well, if that's an issue.


      Use the built in one .

      Level 85 Night Elf Druid
      Level 85 Gnome DK
      Level 64 Human Warrior


        Both Elemental and Enhancement builds are supplied with the guide, so it's still a valid question


          Ah, didn't know that

          Level 85 Night Elf Druid
          Level 85 Gnome DK
          Level 64 Human Warrior


            You will find it easier to level as Enhancement from 1-58(60) as the gear for spell is not very well itemized. Once you get to the outlands this changes though. I would level up till the outlands Enhancement then change over, I am sure you will find this much easier.

            Then to others it is easier no matter what road you take. It still falls on to what flavor you may like. I just think until 60+ it would be easier swinging an axe!


              It is also perfectly viable to level as a restoration shaman as well, just chain instances as a healer.

              Levelling a shaman in whichever spec will still be annoying as hell until you hit lvl 30 and can drop/clear all your totems at once.


                Just to input my two cents in...Even though I leveled 1-60 as Resto since I did RAF with my wife I did however have to level up to 80 and I did it as Enhancement. Also, I can tell you now that I find it impossible to play another toon now since I started playing a Shaman and he is now considered my main. I sued Zygor's to zoom through leveling with heirlooms and as Enhancement you are basically unkillable against anything your level or even a couple levels above you!
                From what I've heard Enhancement is REALLY boring until you reach level 40 and are able to pickup Stormstrike. After that you can look forward to getting your Spirit Wolves which make you invincible, basically.

                You'll notice that while doing dungeons as Enhancement you will consistently top the charts in damage done and constantly fight to lower your aggro! However, shortly after you turn 80 you'll start noticing that you're not scaling as well as other classes and start slipping in DPS big time! But, in my opinion playing Enhancement is very rewarding and the most fun DPS spec in the game I've played so far (by far!). Elemental is decent, but can get a tad repetitive.

                Now, I raid basically full-time as Restoration and occasionally DPS. I've switch specs to Elemental if I feel like grinding out honor points in arenas or battlegrounds though.

                If you have any interest in healing then I need to warn you! Resto Shaman is the coolest and most fun ever! Very agile, powerful and wanted healers. Don't let anyone tell you that any class is better than a Shaman when it comes to healing, b/c right now we are in a very nice spot and VERY competitive and currently nothing can compete in efficiency wise to a Chain Heal that hits more than 2 targets.

