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Update for Alliance Leveling Guide?

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    Update for Alliance Leveling Guide?

    I bought the Alliance Leveling Guide in 2009 but then took some time off. Now I'm back and my guide is out of date. Is there an update?

    Yes, please delete the old Zygor Guides from your addons folder and go to your Members Area in which you can acquire a client which automatically checks for updates, or you can manually update your guide as well. :-).
    It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


      We now have a new tool called the Zygor Client which you can use to install your guides and keep the up to date.

      1. Go to http://www.zygorguides.com/amember/member.php and login to the Members Area.

      2. Under Product Downloads, click the link to the all-in-one download area. On the download page, use the very first download now button to download the Zygor Client

      3. Run the Zygor Client and make sure to click Settings and ensure your login information is entered into the Client. Then install and update your guides to the latest version.

      4. Launch World of Warcraft and at the character selection screen, click AddOns in the lower left hand corner

      5. Make sure ZygorGuidesViewer and ZygorTalentAdvisor are both checked and "Load out of date addons" is checked to be safe. If you don't see the guides here re-rerun the installer and click repair.

      6. Go in game and enjoy your guide.
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