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Where to Start???

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    Where to Start???

    So I have a lvl 76 hunter that I moved from horde to alliance.

    Using the skip forward feature ("Skip impossible steps" is enabled), starting on Night Elf 1-13, the guide starts moving through its steps stopping on a few travel steps such as "hearth to X" or take boat to X or Get X flight path. I skip those.

    The first quest step that it stops on is Step 227 on Guide Level 50-55. Collect Evoroot. So I skip past that since the level range is so low. Nor do I have the quest for it.

    The next step quest step that it stops at (it stops sometimes for flight path step or a travel step) is Step 88 of the Northrend 74-76: "Accept 'Into the Brech!'"

    So I traveled out to 82,26 in Dragonblight speak to Crusader Valus and accepted the quest.

    Then the guide skips through a numerous steps and lands on step 191 Level 75 of the same guide. "Accept 'The Champion's Call'". So I went to Dalaran to the underground sewers and speak to Shifty Vickers and accepted the quest which is a 5 person group quest by the way.

    The next step that it lands on is step 262 of Level 75 of the same Guide (Northrend 74-76). Wants me to travel 26,31 and accept a quest 'Escape from Silverbook'. When I get there I find the NPC in the cage but there isn't a quest for me to accept.

    So should I skip this and keeping moving forward with the guide and figure out where I need to start? Should I should start at the beginning of the level 70 guide in the borean tundra? Can the SIS feature handle toons that transfer from factions?

    I'm not sure what I'm am doing wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Probably the reason that quest isn't available from the guy in the cage is a reputation based problem. The SIS unfortunately isn't currently able to take into account what your reputation is with any one faction and you probably don't have enough reputation to accept the quest.

    My personal suggestion would be to just skip any quests that you can't accept due to them not being available and keep allowing the guide to do it's thing. It will get synced up with you soon enough, and if you do happen to hit a step that tells you to grind the rest of the level then I'd skip that too and keep going (normally not being that level won't matter).
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      The escape quest is part of a quest chain.
      I recommend you change the setting for the dynamic progress that the guide does not skip quests anymore and then start with the quest that takes you from Dragon Blight to Grizzlyhills. It is called "The Hills have Us" and you get it at the flightpoint in Wintergarde Keep.
      Here is a link to a posting at wowhead.com where all quests related to this chain are listed: wowhead.com
      "The Champion's Call" is marked as a group quest but it is only the quest that takes you to the arena in Zul'Drak, the following quest is the real group quest.


        Thanks for the quick reply. When I get home from work today, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.


          Just FYI...

          From http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/...ange/index.xml

          All currently active quests will be removed from the character's quest log. Faction-specific quests will be removed from the character's completed quest list, as well as any faction-neutral quest that is part of a quest chain. Standalone faction-neutral quests will remain in the character's completed quest list. The opposite-faction version of a faction-specific questline is available in its entirety after a faction change.


            Ya that did it. I just moved on to the next step and I was on my way again with leveling.

            So I suppose the first step that the guide stopped on (which was to collect Evoroot) needs to have a check to see if I'm on the quest for it. And the other quests mentioned in this post I am assuming weren't flagged as a part of a quest series.

            Thanks for everyone help to get me going again!

