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Using the Guide

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    Using the Guide

    I am a Draenei priest and using the guide but found some minor hitches.

    First of all, I finished all the quests on the Draenei starting area upto the quest "Ending Their World" and "Razormaw" because I really like the Draenei starting area. I finished the quests when I was lvl 22 and at that time I began using the Zygor Guide.

    First of all, the guide let me pick up a number of Flight Points. No problem with that

    The Zygor Guide proposed to set Auberdine to my home location and put me on the quest "Cave Mushrooms", I think a lvl 16 quest. Why?

    Following the guide I went to Lakeshire. The guide skipped the line setting the home location to Lakeshire (still on Auberdine). Sounds strange.

    After some quests in Lakeshire, Zygor sent me back to Auberdine for the quest "A Lost Master". But that quest is not enabled because a previous quest was skipped by Zygor: "How Big a Threat".


    Regards, Ruud.

    Not used the guide on the space cows myself yet so can not comment on the details. What I can say is that the guide often leaves your hearth at an old location when it sends you to a new one. From what I can tell the guide assumes you'll play long enough that you will not log off in the "new" area but instead finish a few quests there then hearth back to the old area. The idea is to save time riding boats.
    Cairne Realm
    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


      What you described is somewhat typical when getting the guide synced with your character for the first time. The SIS is not flawless, so you'll find these little hiccups, but it will get itself all straightened out soon and then you won't see any other issues.
      My Flight Path Follies guide

      A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

      I reject your reality and substitute my own.

      All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

