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Bug report (can't turn in quests)

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    Bug report (can't turn in quests)

    Dear Zygor Team,

    I've experiences with many completed quests, that i can't turn in them anymore. Hope you can find the problem with this report:

    Zygor Guides Viewer v2.0.1410

    Guide: "Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (50-55)"
    Step: 108
    map: Un'Goro Crater
    level: 52
    (completed: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    1. <Go to 63,69>
    action: goto
    L: true
    map: Un'Goro Crater 63.1,69.1 +/- 0.2
    (not completeable)
    Status: passive
    2. . "Click the Small Pack"
    L: true
    tooltip: It's a big tan sac underwater in this pond.
    (not completeable)
    Status: passive
    3. . . <Turn in `It's a Secret to Everybody' (part 1)>
    questpart: 1
    action: turnin
    L: true
    quest: "It's a Secret to Everybody" ##3844 (no goal) - quest "It's a Secret to Everybody" ##3844 in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    (complete: no, possible: YES, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    Status: incomplete
    4. . . <Accept `It's a Secret to Everybody' (part 2)>
    questpart: 2
    action: accept
    L: 10
    quest: "It's a Secret to Everybody" ##3845 (no goal) - quest not in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    (complete: no, possible: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    Status: impossible
    5. . "Click the Small Pack"
    action: use
    L: 10
    useitem: "A Small Pack" ##11107 GetItemInfo(11107) == A Small Pack,[A Small Pack],1,1,0,Quest,Quest,1,,Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_Bag _20,0
    (not completeable)
    Status: passive
    6. . . <Get Large Compass>
    action: get
    count: 1
    L: 10
    quest: "nil" ##3845 goal 1 - quest not in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    target: "Large Compass"
    (complete: no, possible: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    Status: impossible
    7. . . <Get Curled Map Parchment>
    action: get
    count: 1
    L: 10
    quest: "nil" ##3845 goal 2 - quest not in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    target: "Curled Map Parchment"
    (complete: no, possible: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    Status: impossible
    8. . . <Get Lion-headed Key>
    action: get
    count: 1
    L: 10
    quest: "nil" ##3845 goal 3 - quest not in log (id: not completed) (title: not completed)
    target: "Lion-headed Key"
    (complete: no, possible: no, auxiliary: no, obsolete: no)
    Status: impossible

    --- Player information ---
    Race: NightElf Class: DRUID Level: 57
    Position: realzone:'Un'Goro Crater' x:63.0437,y:68.6014 (zone:'Un'Goro Crater' subzone:'The Marshlands' minimapzone:'The Marshlands')

    -- Cached quest log --
    2. "Dark Iron Legacy" ##3801 (lv=52):
    3. "Ribbly Screwspigot" ##4136 (lv=53, complete):
    ... 1. "Ribbly's Head: 1/1" (item, 1/1, complete)
    4. "The Love Potion" ##4201 (lv=54):
    ... 1. "Gromsblood: 0/4" (item, 0/4)
    ... 2. "Giant Silver Vein: 0/10" (item, 0/10)
    ... 3. "Nagmara's Filled Vial: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    5. "Hurley Blackbreath" ##4126 (lv=55, complete):
    ... 1. "Lost Thunderbrew Recipe: 1/1" (item, 1/1, complete)
    6. "The Heart of the Mountain" ##4123 (lv=55):
    ... 1. "The Heart of the Mountain: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    7. "The Good Stuff" ##4286 (lv=56, complete):
    ... 1. "Dark Iron Fanny Pack: 20/20" (item, 20/20, complete)
    9. "Arcane Runes" ##3449 (lv=52):
    ... 1. "Rubbing: Rune of Beth'Amara: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    ... 2. "Rubbing: Rune of Jin'yael: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    ... 3. "Rubbing: Rune of Markri: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    ... 4. "Rubbing: Rune of Sael'hai: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    11. "Legends of Maraudon" ##7044 (lv=49):
    ... 1. "Celebrian Diamond: 1/1" (item, 1/1, complete)
    ... 2. "Celebrian Rod: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    13. "Attunement to the Core" ##7848 (lv=60):
    ... 1. "Core Fragment: 0/1" (item, 0/1)
    15. "It's a Secret to Everybody" ##3844 (lv=52):
    16. "Volcanic Activity" ##4502 (lv=55):
    ... 1. "Un'Goro Ash: 0/9" (item, 0/9)

    -- Cached quest log, by ID --
    #4126: Hurley Blackbreath
    #7848: Attunement to the Core
    #3844: It's a Secret to Everybody
    #7044: Legends of Maraudon
    #4502: Volcanic Activity
    #3801: Dark Iron Legacy
    #3449: Arcane Runes
    #4123: The Heart of the Mountain
    #4136: Ribbly Screwspigot
    #4201: The Love Potion
    #4286: The Good Stuff

    -- Items --
    Ashwood Seed ##17036 x13
    Bloodstained Journal ##7668 x1
    Burning Pitch ##4787 x1
    Celebrian Diamond ##17703 x1
    Cured Light Hide ##4231 x11
    Dark Iron Fanny Pack ##11468 x20
    Deeprock Salt ##8150 x1
    Drawing Kit ##10445 x1
    Elixir of Fortitude ##3825 x15
    Elixir of Minor Fortitude ##2458 x4
    Fine Thread ##2321 x1
    Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth ##43331 x1
    Gnomeregan Pride ##54651 x1
    Greater Healing Potion ##1710 x4
    Greater Mana Potion ##6149 x6
    Green Dragonscale ##15412 x18
    Healing Potion ##929 x5
    Heart of Fire ##7077 x1
    Heart of the Wild ##10286 x1
    Hearthstone ##6948 x1
    Heavy Armor Kit ##4265 x10
    Heavy Armor Kit ##4265 x10
    Heavy Armor Kit ##4265 x5
    Heavy Leather ##4234 x13
    Icecap ##13467 x1
    Keg of Thunderbrew Lager ##1262 x1
    Lesser Healing Potion ##858 x5
    Light Armor Kit ##2304 x10
    Light Armor Kit ##2304 x10
    Living Essence ##12803 x2
    Lost Thunderbrew Recipe ##11312 x1
    Lunar Fungus ##15851 x1
    Mageweave Cloth ##4338 x15
    Major Healing Potion ##13446 x6
    Mithril Casing ##10561 x1
    Morning Glory Dew ##8766 x20
    Morning Glory Dew ##8766 x9
    Nagmara's Vial ##11412 x1
    OOX-17/TN Distress Beacon ##8623 x1
    Pattern: Big Voodoo Pants ##8389 x1
    Pattern: Big Voodoo Robe ##8386 x1
    Pattern: Frostweave Robe ##14467 x1
    Pattern: Guardian Leather Bracers ##4300 x1
    Pattern: Red Mageweave Headband ##10320 x1
    Pattern: Swift Boots ##7453 x1
    Pattern: Tough Scorpid Gloves ##8398 x1
    Pendant of Myzrael ##4614 x1
    Prison Cell Key ##11140 x1
    Red Wolf Meat ##12203 x2
    Relic Coffer Key ##11078 x2
    Ribbly's Head ##11313 x1
    Rotting Bear Carcass ##11406 x4
    Rugged Leather ##8170 x20
    Rugged Leather ##8170 x20
    Rugged Leather ##8170 x8
    Runecloth ##14047 x8
    Silk Cloth ##4306 x5
    Skinning Knife ##7005 x1
    Superior Healing Potion ##3928 x6
    Superior Mana Potion ##13443 x4
    Talvash's Phial of Scrying ##7667 x1
    Teronis' Journal ##5505 x1
    The Scarlet Key ##7146 x1
    Thick Furry Mane ##4583 x2
    Thick Hide ##8169 x3
    Thick Leather ##4304 x16
    Thick Leather ##4304 x20
    Thick Leather ##4304 x20
    Thick Leather ##4304 x20
    Thick Leather ##4304 x20
    Thick Leather ##4304 x20
    Viking Warhammer ##1721 x1
    Worn Dragonscale ##8165 x11

    -- Buffs/debuffs --

    -- Pet action bar --

    -- Flight Paths --
    1 , 2 , Mudsprocket , Southshore , Thorium Point , Auberdine , Aerie Peak , Stonetalon Peak , Redridge Mountains , Ratchet , Menethil Harbor , Ironforge , Thalanaar , Nijel's Point , Rut'theran Village , Booty Bay , Shattered Sun Staging Area , Gadgetzan , Thelsamar , Nethergarde Keep , Theramore , Darkshire , Theramore Isle , Forest Song , Stormwind , Lakeshire , Sentinel Hill , Astranaar , Talrendis Point , Feathermoon , Feathermoon Stronghold

    -- Options --
    backopacity = 0.3
    hidearrowwithguide = true
    minimapnotedesc = true
    arrowmeters = false
    arrowfontsize = 10
    hideincombat = false
    goalcompletionflash = true
    arrowfreeze = false
    trackchains = true
    debug = false
    skincolors =
    fixblizzardautoaccept = false
    minicons = true
    flipsounds = true
    fullheight = 399.99997863225
    displaymode = guide
    goalcolorize = false
    golddetectiondist = 400
    visible = true
    goalbackaux =
    showallsteps = false
    skipimpossible = false
    goalbackcomplete =
    autoturnin = false
    fontsize = 10
    foglight = true
    arrowposx = 735.17790187158
    goalbackimpossible =
    pointeraudio = true
    minimapzoom = false
    goalicons = true
    golddistmode = 1
    goalbackprogress = true
    arrowscale = 1
    guidesinhistory = 5
    levelsahead = 0
    autoaccept = false
    skin = violet
    goalbackincomplete =
    arrowcam = false
    fontsecsize = 10
    arrowposy = 817.68910338481
    goalbackprogressing =
    waypointaddon = internal
    stepnumbers = true
    arrowcolordir = true
    iconScale = 0.5
    tooltipsbelow = true
    goldreqmode = 3
    flashborder = true
    skipauxsteps = true
    completesound = MapPing
    analyzereps = false
    showcountsteps = 1
    opacitymain = 1
    goalbackgrounds = true
    skipobsolete = true
    arrowsmooth = true
    goalupdateflash = true
    showmapbutton = true
    goalbackobsolete =
    framescale = 1
    stepbackalpha = 0.5
    filternotes = true
    hideborder = false
    contractmobs = true
    iconAlpha = 1
    showobsolete = true
    hidestepborders = false

    (Log on next page)

    Thanks guys! (btw i have updated the guide)


    part 2 bug report

    -- Log --
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, seeking corpse
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=1? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=2? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=3? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=4? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on cont 0
    22:53:24> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
    22:53:24> Player dead!
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, mc/mz=1/0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, seeking corpse
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=1? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=2? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=3? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on c=4? 0:0
    22:53:24> SetCorpseArrow, corpse on cont 0
    22:53:24> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
    22:53:25> CacheQuestLog cached 15 quests
    22:53:25> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    22:53:25> Player dead!
    22:53:25> SetCorpseArrow, mc/mz=1/11
    22:54:01> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    22:54:01> Player dead!
    22:57:30> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    22:57:30> Player dead!
    22:57:34> Player unghosted!
    23:02:20> GetQuestId: id of quest 'Thalanaar Delivery' = 4281
    23:02:20> Completed Quest: Thalanaar Delivery, id: 4281
    23:02:20> CacheQuestLog cached 14 quests
    23:02:20> Lost Quest: Thalanaar Delivery, id: 4281, complete: true
    23:02:56> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    23:05:40> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    09:01:38> Viewer started. ---------------------------
    09:01:39> PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (dead?)
    09:01:39> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
    09:01:39> CacheQuestLog cached 12 quests
    09:01:39> New Quest: Crystal in the Mountains id 635
    09:01:39> New Quest: Ribbly Screwspigot id 4136
    09:01:39> New Quest: The Love Potion id 4201
    09:01:39> New Quest: Hurley Blackbreath id 4126
    09:01:39> New Quest: The Heart of the Mountain id 4123
    09:01:39> New Quest: The Good Stuff id 4286
    09:01:39> New Quest: Arcane Runes id 3449
    09:01:39> New Quest: Twisted Evils id 7028
    09:01:39> New Quest: Legends of Maraudon id 7044
    09:01:39> New Quest: Find OOX-17/TN! id 351
    09:01:39> New Quest: Find the Gems id 2201
    09:01:39> New Quest: Volcanic Activity id 4502
    09:01:39> Got completed quests list
    09:01:40> CacheQuestLog cached 14 quests
    09:01:40> New Quest: Dark Iron Legacy id 3801
    09:01:40> New Quest: Attunement to the Core id 7848
    09:01:40> CacheQuestLog cached 14 quests
    09:01:40> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    09:02:46> Viewer started. ---------------------------
    09:02:47> PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD (dead?)
    09:02:47> PLAYER_ALIVE (dead?)
    09:02:47> CacheQuestLog cached 14 quests
    09:02:47> New Quest: Crystal in the Mountains id 635
    09:02:47> New Quest: Dark Iron Legacy id 3801
    09:02:47> New Quest: Ribbly Screwspigot id 4136
    09:02:47> New Quest: The Love Potion id 4201
    09:02:47> New Quest: Hurley Blackbreath id 4126
    09:02:47> New Quest: The Heart of the Mountain id 4123
    09:02:47> New Quest: The Good Stuff id 4286
    09:02:47> New Quest: Arcane Runes id 3449
    09:02:47> New Quest: Twisted Evils id 7028
    09:02:47> New Quest: Legends of Maraudon id 7044
    09:02:47> New Quest: Attunement to the Core id 7848
    09:02:47> New Quest: Find OOX-17/TN! id 351
    09:02:47> New Quest: Find the Gems id 2201
    09:02:47> New Quest: Volcanic Activity id 4502
    09:02:48> Got completed quests list
    09:02:48> CacheQuestLog cached 14 quests
    09:02:48> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    09:02:49> Guides loaded. -----
    09:02:49> SetGuide Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (50-55) (107
    09:02:49> Guide loaded: Zygor's Alliance Leveling Guides\Levels (50-55)
    09:02:49> FocusStep 107
    09:02:49> unpausing
    09:02:49> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
    09:04:59> CacheQuestLog cached 13 quests
    09:04:59> Lost Quest: Find OOX-17/TN!, id: 351, complete: true
    09:05:02> CacheQuestLog cached 13 quests
    09:05:02> CacheQuestLog cached 12 quests
    09:05:02> Lost Quest: Find the Gems, id: 2201, complete: false
    09:05:05> CacheQuestLog cached 11 quests
    09:05:05> Lost Quest: Twisted Evils, id: 7028, complete: false
    09:05:08> CacheQuestLog cached 10 quests
    09:05:08> Lost Quest: Crystal in the Mountains, id: 635, complete: false
    09:07:00> ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA (dead?)
    09:08:01> CacheQuestLog cached 11 quests
    09:08:01> New Quest: It's a Secret to Everybody id 3844
    09:08:01> Skipping step: 107 (complete)
    09:08:01> SkipStep 1 fast
    09:08:01> FocusStep 108 (quiet)
    09:08:01> FocusStep 108
    09:08:01> Translated: accept/turnin It's a Secret to Everybody
    09:08:01> frameNeedsUpdating, so updating.
    09:11:37> Hiding arrow with guide
    09:24:05> Hiding arrow with guide

    ps: when I turn on automatic turn in, the problem is solved. So there must be a bug somewhere.


      From the bug report you posted, the quest you are instructed to turn in is "incomplete and possible", so you should be able to turn it in. Can you explain in more detail exactly what is happening? Any errors? Thanks.
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        Heya, well I'm going to the question mark and try to hand in a completed quest, but as soon as i click on the button to hand in, nothing happens. Also no errors or something. It's just impossible to deliver completed quests.

        I discovered that when i activate the option 'automatic turn in quests' it works again.

        So it's a weird problem imo.

