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Elemental Invasion soooo annoying

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    Elemental Invasion soooo annoying

    So I decide to switch servers and roll a new toon (I'm a returning player who had no affiliation with anyone on old server. Rolled a Human priest last night and started running about the Forrest doing to the level 1-10 quests.

    Just my luck that I get the "report to stormwind" quest (where we visit the shop just inside the main gate) and the elemental invation launched 10 minutes ago. The NPC I needed was gone with the evacuees. Had to wait 40-50 minutes until the event was done to continue.

    =sigh= well, at least I was able to perfect my key sequences to take on more than one mob.

    With this much mayhem going on pre-cata, the actual event should prove intresting.

    Darnit... happened again...

    Went out to the loch to do those quests, came back with the Stormpike turn in, and yet again those darned elementals were causing havoc!!!

    Guys! I'm trying to level here!! Go bother the hordies in ogrimar or something!


      I remember it was like that right before Lich King, when there were so many zombies you couldn't play.


        Originally posted by tribalfuryzygor View Post
        I remember it was like that right before Lich King, when there were so many zombies you couldn't play.
        Pretty much how it is now.

        "Alright, Zygor says to go to 33,79 to kill XXXX mob. Simple. Easy. Can't wait to start killi... damn it."
        Everywhere I go, a rift will open up and start killing every mob I need to kill, I can sometimes snipe them and get the kill but not always.


          Zombie Invastion was the best

          I remember almost 2 years ago when we had the zombie invasion, I would plague bomb the PVP room in SW...that was priceless.

          I never got threatened and spat on sooo much in my whole life...Ill never forgot how hard I laughed when people would come from outland to the mage tower in SW and I would be waiting for them with my buddies and turn them all into zombies...That was the most fun I ever had in this game.....EVER


            Rune --- you're awful! But a funny story none the less...

            Anyone know if they invasions run on any form of a regular clock? Or is it a ramdom event?


              Originally posted by am88 View Post
              Rune --- you're awful! But a funny story none the less...

              Anyone know if they invasions run on any form of a regular clock? Or is it a ramdom event?
              Believe it's random though it seems like it loves to follow me anywhere I go.


                Grrrrrr.... just loged into the game (1600 server time) and yet another invasion going on in Stormwind... NPC I need is gone, and the next step (get boat to Auberdine) is blocked since they have yet to clear the harbor...

                Feel like Snoopy and yelling *CURSE YOU ELEMENTALS!!!*


                  Every 2-3 hours NPCs in those cities will yell out, informing all players that an invasion is about to begin. You have five minutes until the attack!
                  I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
                  Twitter @Chaos5061.
                  Translations are done with Google Translate.


                    The Zombie event before WotLK was far worse. The invasion now happens every 2.5 hours but the zombies were everytime around. And the worst thing was my character dying on the ship to the Exodar which resulted in the game crashing on login. I had two wait nearly two days for a gamemaster to fix that.

