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Unfortunate Slip.....

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    Unfortunate Slip.....

    Hey Zygor. Just thought you should know

    Alliance Guide Level 35, Step 10
    "Go upstairs to the top deck of the shit"

    I think you meant "ship"


    Already been reported.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Reading that put a smile on my face. I think we should have some random commentary in with the guides as well. Naturally, we would have to be able to enable/disable it in the options though lol.


        Would have been better if the guide said "... git ur arse to da top a dat shi*"

        Ooo a new business line perhaps. The kid friendly, and adult version.

        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


          Still yet, not a bad idea to add a little flavor to the guides. Get random raid warnings while you're leveling with some interesting flavor text or famous quotes on the forums. Just running through and quest grinding all the time gets a bit monotonous. Game is fun but when you do the same thing over and over, it's needs a little spicing up and I'm not just talking about the new locations and such in game lol


            Interesting "pop ups" through out the game would certainly be fun. OMG...no 'Chuck Norris' bull please, so over that in chat LOL

            Interesting though. I read in a WoW forum with interest the very large call to make and adult version of the game. Not in the "rude" sense but a version for 18 and over only. There was large support for this from players. Seems many have grown tired of the young teenage players with their idiotic behaviour and antics in the game.

            How you make an online game "adults only" and police it is another matter though

