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Worgen levelling and XP with heirlooms

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    Worgen levelling and XP with heirlooms

    I'm currently levelling a Worgen druid and have the spell leather heirlooms so should be getting a 20% XP bonus. When I got to Darkshore after Gilnaeus I was two levels ahead of the guide and now, at level 42, I'm still only two levels ahead of the guide, despite doing every quest.

    Either the heirlooms aren't giving the XP bonus or the guide isn't quite right with respect to what level you should be. If there heirlooms *are* working then I get the impression that I'd be being asked to grind to the next level quite a lot if I wasn't wearing them.

    I don't know what you're doing wrong. I'm levelling a Worgen Warrior with 2 of the heirloom pieces (shoulders and chest) and I am contanstly skipping ahead, which creates a whole other set of problems. When I finished the Worgen starting area I was about 4 levels ahead of the guide. Didn't even finish darkshore before stuff started turning grey. Been trying to skip ahead to keep the quests at about my level but I find this messes up the guide as you get to points that require pre-requisites.

    Part of it could be that I'm levelling 2 gathering professions at the same time and maybe the exp from that is what's making the difference. I also find that rested exp will bump you ahead a level for about every 4 days that you play.


      Yes, it's odd. I've double-checked and I'm definitely getting the XP bonus from the heirlooms. I've also been doing quite a lot of skinning so I'm getting XP from killing beasts, too, yet I'm now just under 2 levels ahead! I've not been getting much rested XP as I've not always been logging out at an inn, though.

      I was having the same issues as you with my Troll shaman, though - getting too far ahead and having to miss chunks out.


        At lower levels the XP of the gathering professions (mining and herbalism) in addtition with heirlooms will get you far ahead of the guide.
        When gathering did not give XP I noticed that I never was more than 2.5 levels ahead of any guide. This is because you will do some grey quests and many quests are at the edge of being grey. For example I played a Troll druid recently and was about 1.5 levels ahead of the guide when I left Azshara. But in Ashenvale I got quests 4-5 levels below and maybe those don't give so many XP to get ahead more. Especially when you need to kill even lower level creatures for those quests.

        With the SIS not working at the moment there's not much you can do when you get too far ahead of the guide but skipping to the next region earlier. With the linear questing paths this should work.


          so is it ok to skip on to next bit so im the same level or will it mess it up cause of prequests


            Originally posted by silverwolf6625 View Post
            so is it ok to skip on to next bit so im the same level or will it mess it up cause of prequests
            Both is the right answer, actually. It is what you skip that matters. That is why I suggested checking each quest to make sure there was no chain attached to it. If you miss a chain you'll have to go back and do it, or run some dungeons to make up the difference in xp.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

