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Arrow gone...

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    Arrow gone...

    Today my arrow didn't show up when doing the Netherdrake mount guide with my NE Hunter. Just today. CHecked another alt and it was there. Now out in Sholazar Basin, and it is still missing. I deleted the folders in Addons for Zygor and also in the WTF. Did a reinstall and still not showing. I know it must be something I am over looking.



    Are you using a non-English WoW client?
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      No, not that I am away of.


        Had to check because most of the arrow issues are caused by bad zone name translations for foreign language clients.

        Try changing around which arrow you use and also maybe try manually moving forward and backward in the steps to see if it does start working again. If it does, please note down which steps it starts and stops working on.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          None of that worked for him. So I took my 85 DK out there loaded the 78-80 Northrend Guide and works ok for him. Wondering if I have turned something off on the Hunter. Going back and forth between then to see.


            Did another reinstall, deleted Zygor in WTF, and addons, still no arrow for the Hunter.


              Found this in your Help Desk...

              The following is the end-all of solutions.
              I. Go to your World of Warcraft folder on your hard drive. Delete your "Cache" folder.
              II. Inside your World of Warcraft folder, go inside your WTF folder. Delete your "Account" folder.

              It brought back the Arrow... So were gooooood!!!!!!!!!



                I wouldn't recommend deleting the whole account folder as this will wipe all addon preferences.
                Normally deleting every file with Zygor in it's name in the WTF folder will do.
                Another thing to try when the waypoint arrow disappeared is disabling the Zygor guide, login with the character, logout, enabling the guide and log back in.


                  When I did the reinstall I did try to delete all the Zygor files, must have missed one. For future references please tell me the ones to delete. Wasn't to concerned, going that route because I saved the folders just in-case all heck broke loose.

                  thanks again



                    If you want to delete only files related to Zygor's guide just search for zygor in the WTF folder. With Windows you can delete the found files from the search result list.

