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Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms leveling?

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    Kalimdor to Eastern Kingdoms leveling?

    ok lets say i started a night elf warrior and leveled to 20. if i dont want to continue to level in Kalimdor, is it possible for me to switch guides and start leveling Eastern Kingdoms 20-25 guide? will the SIS work for that as well?


    It can be done but I'd suggest when switching to the other continent that you select the 13-20 guide and let SIS try to find you a spot from there. Normally by the time you'd be in the 20-25 guide you'll have already missed a lot of the pre-requisites for that section of the guide. Also keep in mind that by switching there might be some small 'growing pains' as you work on getting synced up with the new area.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      The easiest way to switch the continent is to find the first quest leading to a new zone or get the quest from a board in a city. I have a level 36 character leveled before cataclysm and got quite easy in the guide by looking at the zones I can level. I found Western Plaguelands suitable for my level and searched the guide for the quest tot take me there.

