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Westfall and Loch Modan Quest

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    Westfall and Loch Modan Quest

    Howdy, and thanks for an excellent work!!!
    I started a new toon - Gnome Priest and was at lvl 20ish when i purchased Zygor. I've lvled up to 33 now and decided I wanted to go back an try to do the Achievements of completing all the quest in a zone. I disabled the dynamic progress function and set the guide to start at Gnome 1-5. It was running fine and allowed me to complete all of Redridge Mountains quest that I had originally missed and get those Achievements. I actually got all of the ones in Darkwood without the guide... go figure.. ..

    Looking at my Achievement pane I see I missed about 20 in Loch Modan and about 15 in Westfall when I was lvling without Zygor. I can't seem to get Zygor to get back to these.

    When I decided to work on this idea, I was in Northern Stranglethon with about 20 quest complete there. As soon as I finished Redridge last night, Zygor jumped me right to where I left off in N Stranglethorn.

    Am I doing something wrong? I looked on WoWPedia and found the lead in's for Loch Modan, should I just go back to SW and pick up that lead and just do the fill ins for these 2 zones without Zygor?


    The guides will often get enough quests for the achievement in the different zones, but not in all zones. They were created with fast leveling in mind so if Zygor thought that you should move on to a different zone to level faster then he has you do that. It's for this reason that some zones don't have enough quests for the achievement. Your best bet would be to find a Loremaster addon (things like Odysey or Loremaster) to help find the quests that the guides didn't include to help fill in any zones that you don't get the achievement for.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Sweet.... will do Cabby... thanks for the quick response!!

