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how much longer till we can use the alliance leveling guide for patch 3.3?

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    What happens when you click the dropdown menu button on the title bar of the guide viewer to select a guide from the guide list?
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      Using an older version of the guide than 2.0.626 causes the guide to stop working with the 3.3 patch.
      Which guide version do you use, did you download the newest version?
      Which WoW client language do you use?
      And do you get an error when loggin in? It my be necessary to install a bug grabbing addon such as bugsack or turn on the display of LUA errors in the WoW options.


        I am using exactly what I was using before, why ? are you not gonna fix it?

        I am using exactly what I was using before, why ? are you not gonna fix it?

        version 2.0

        I did not change versions

        it was working before the 3.3 patch

        you guys guaranteed this would always work with WoW didn't you?


          it's not woooorking for me i can't even see an add-on section in my interface menu
          i've checked everything over and over again and i'm really sad cos i just bought it and it was working before
          haaaalp me


            Sorry to say, but no one has realized that some quests requirements are changed? It's not only a matter of "out of date" , the guide needs a reworking in the contents.


              For those who can't find the addons window, it's at the characters select, small button on the bottom left that says addons. After you open this window there will be a check box on the top right that says load out of date addons, make sure this is checked.

              For other concerns, yes the guides will be updated as soon as possible but you need to have some patience. As has been stated a few times, currently only the 2.0.626 version of the guide is having any success with running in the new 3.3 patch. If you're using something older you need to update it or there's nothing that can be done to help.

              Remember, have a little patience and before you know it the guide will be updated and working fine. The more you complain about it does not help to get it updated, and in fact will possibly slow down the process as the devs have to spend more time trying to answer posts instead of working on the code.
              My Flight Path Follies guide

              A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

              I reject your reality and substitute my own.

              All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.



                I am having good success with just diabling Cartographer and using tomtom for the directional arrow. Using the ingame maps is not to bad though.


                  Just be patient guys. They're supposed to be issuing An update either tonight or by tomorrow. Yes a. Lot of us are irritated, but it's not zygors fault. we all know how bad blizz screwed things up pretty much all day yesterday. This is a QUALITY guide and if u guys want want u pay for(zygor quality) then just give them a little more time! It'll be worth it!=]


                    Last night (once I was finally able to get in) I enabled the out of date option and zygor was working for me. Cartographer was all goofed up interacting with the new Blizzard maps but the directional arrow worked so i blindly flew where the arrow pointed
                    Cairne Realm
                    Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
                    Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
                    Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter


                      I managed to get the guide to work

                      I managed to get the guide to work after trying for the heck of it re-downloading the guide and installing it again. The guide decided to work and list the steps and quests after that. I am not sure why this worked since I am sure that is the version I already had. Maybe Blizzard's patch somehow knocked the guide one out.


                        my guides has a big Z on it i cant see nothing but just the Z there not quest or nothing


                          here are some fixes i've found

                          okay for those of you that are no longer seeing your waypoint arrow, go into configure and select waypoint. for some reason the game has reset it to use tom tom not cartographer. change it back to cartographer and your arrow will come back up. i've noted that with cartographer my position on the map is not accurate. not zygor's fault, it is a cartographer issue as the new blizzard map system has screwed up the cartographer display.

                          all in all im very happy that this add is still working just as well. instead of complaining look at your program and figure out what has changed settings wise and why it isn't working from there.
                          Last edited by cabby; December 10, 2009, 12:01 AM. Reason: Please keep the language reasonable.


                            Originally posted by vaaria View Post
                            I managed to get the guide to work after trying for the heck of it re-downloading the guide and installing it again.
                            so your saying you did what people told you to do and downloaded the newest version that has been tested to work, and ......it worked? OMG


                              I dont understand why all these people who obviously trust zygor with 50-100 bucks for a guide cant give him/her/them a few days after the 3.3 update to get it 100%. i will admit i was using a non-payed for version before the patch, when i updated WOW, the old version didnt work. i read around and thought "what the hell" its an awesome guide, ill fork out $50 and buy it. before i came to that conclusion i simply jumped on an ALT and farmed.

                              For those of you still winging about there addons not working, stop and think for a sec..... if someone was complaining about the work you do for other people all the time and no matter what you say to them continue to be ungrateful, would you even want to continue working??? I say a BIG thumbs up to the zygor team. dont worry about the people complaining. they are the ones that want the best leveling guide out there, they will wait for you.

