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Level 30

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    Level 30

    Hey guys. Working on my 2nd lvl 80. He's a prot warrior tanking for my raiding guild. He just hit lvl 30 in 14 to 15 hours played i believe. I do randoms alot to get used to tanking as this guy will become my main. The problem is i always get ahead of the guide. I'm in STV and all my quests give low xp as i am 5 levels ahead of them. I try and let the SIS injection system find me a correct path, but i always have to turn in a quest part of that quest line with hunting the tigers, raptors, and panthers. So, do i need to re pick these quests up and start from there. I dont want to be wasting my play time and get to 85 fast and get geared so i can raid before patch 4.1 hits..... - Alex

    I am having the same problem, can anyone help!


      I think they are addressing this concern, as WoW now has developed "quest hubs".

      My advice is to skip to where it is a lvl or 2 ahead of you, however if you are running dungeons back to back to back, then you might find it frustrating to keep trying to sync back up with the guide.
      With some of these "Questing Hubs", if you don't get sent to them via a quest, or run through their quest chain, then you won't have any quests to do in that area. It's not like it use to be to where you could plop down somewhere and it would give you some options for quests based on what level you were. From what i have seen/been told, the questing is much more linear now.
      I am CDO. This is a lot like OCD, except the letters are in alphabetical order... as they should be.


        Werderx, you are right, with the linear questing inside the zones with Cataclysm it is nearly impossible to skip quests.
        The only thing you can do is leave a region before you did all quests there.
        Currently the guide is not able to do this so you have to manually go through the guide and search for a step where you are told to get a quest for the next zone and continue with that.
        The Zygor team are working on an improved SIS that does exactly this and the guides get split into zone portions so it is easier to select another guide.

        In your case, as long as quests are green you get normal XP. I would just stick to the guide unless you are more than 3 levels ahead of what the guide suggests.
        At the point you are it may be difficult to manually advance to a new zone as bot Stranglethorn zones seem to be done at the same time (at least that's what it seemed when I was trying to get a level 36 character into the guide).
        If you reach level 36 there's a good starting point for Western Plaguelands. There's a quest in Booty Bay that sends you there and with my character it seemed to be no problem getting into the guide then.


          When you get to a "accept me" quest line in the guide, you can right-click the quest line. When you do this you may see "Show quest chain." If you select this the view will take a moment to pull up all effected quests upcoming in your chat box.
          Here is why I say this.....
          When I leveled my tankadin it was mostly dungeons, with some questing done to get rep. The SIS had me do quests I just didnt need, but I only knew by doing the "Show quest chain." If the quests were below where I was in my current level, I just skipped to the next batch and did the process over again until I found a good place for me to be level wise.
          It worked pretty well.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

