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    I wish I didn't have to post this, but I guess I'm the unlucky one out there having some issues with Zygor and the 3.3 patch. I have four computers, in two different locations and I'm getting some mixed results. All computers have had wow/zygor deinstalled directory deleted and wow reinstalled and zygor reinstalled no other addons applied. Also it's the same anti-virus AVG 8.5 (Free Edition)-

    OS - Windows Vista Ultimate x64
    Works Great

    OS - Windows XP Sp3
    LUA Errors count up fast to the point the game runs laggy and a box eventually comes up recommending I disable addons because of the errors. The map also looks crazy, sometimes it pulls up two different maps and merges them together. If I turn off the show quest objectives the map will work for a little while but become completly useless withen 5 minutes.

    OS - Windows XP Sp3
    Works great

    Computer -4
    OS-Windows Vista x32
    Same issues as Computer -2

    To get the game playable on computers 2 and 4 I can disable everything but the following =
    Cartogopher Notes
    Cartogopher POI
    Cartogopher Waypoints

    The map looks a little zoomed out, but it plays and I'm using that for a work around right now.

    Guides Viewer
    Guides Talent Advisor

    Any suggestions? Thank you.

    Hey there,

    A bit curious. I haven't been reading the forums since the patch release, figured a fix has already been around (guess I was wrong XD), but do you run different settings on each computer? Like, in-game, I mean. Maybe some interface settings on your WoW clients on Computer 2 are different from Computer 1, etc? Just a suggestion, which is all I can offer at the moment :-P.

    It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.



      im having a problem with the guide its shows a lua error and i cant use it and then asks if i want to disable addons. HELP!


        Uhhh... what errors are you getting? When does it ask if you want to disable addons? What guide are you using? What operating system are you running? Did you install the guide properly (and it shows on the AddOns list)? Did you check Load out of Date Addons? Please provide answers to these questions, and any extra information to provide further assistance, and for future reference, please create a new thread instead of using someone else's to solve your problem :-). Thank you.

        It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


          This error is caused because you don't have the game loading out of date addons. When you log in (after entering username and password) at the character select screen in the bottom left corner will be a button that says Addons. Click this button then in the new window at the top left will be a check box that says "Load Out of Date Addons". Make sure this box is checked then click OK and enter the game with your character. This should clear up the errors you've been getting.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            Load out of date addons is checked. Computer 3 bombed last night. it seems to be an issue with Cartogopher, the LUA error that just counts up references a librock.cfg or something like that. I have endured wow patch days and zygor since December of last year. This is the first time that I cannot get the guide to work without impacting my game. I can't load all the addons because the game just becomes unplayable if I do.


              1. If the guide is not working properly the first thing to do is make sure you are using the latest version of the guide as older versions are pretty much guaranteed not to work. To update, the first thing you should do is get rid of all your old files. Go to your World of Warcraft folder on you computer. Below is the default location of this folder:

              For Windows XP:
              C: \ Program Files \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns

              For Windows Vista:
              C: \ Users \ Public \ Games \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns

              For Mac:
              Macintosh HD \ Applications \ World of Warcraft \ Interface \ AddOns

              Inside of the AddOns folder, delete everything you see that has Zygor or Cartographer in the name. The next step is to go to the Members Area of www.zygorguides and download the latest
              auto-installer for the guide. Run the auto-installer and then go in game. Click the Z icon on the mini-map, then click Zygor Guide Viewer on the left and click Create A Bug Report. The first few lines list the version of the guide you are running. If you follow these instructions correctly it should say v.2.0.626.

              2. When you get to the character selection screen click AddOns. Make sure all the Zygor and Cartographer files are checked. Also, you should see a check box on the top right that says load out of date addons. Make sure this is checked as well.

              If you still have problems try these solutions:

              Solution 1: If you are having trouble with Cartographer and the new Blizzard map and quest location system, make sure the "Show Quest Objectives" box is unchecked at the bottom of your world map ingame. This will make the map look normal again, like you are used to Cartographer making it look.

              Solution 2: At the character selection screen, click addons, and disable all of the Cartographer addons EXCEPT Cartographer, Cartographer Waypoint, and Cartographer Notes and try again.

              Solution 3: At the character selection screen, click addons, and disable Cartographer completely. Then go to WoWAce.com, download and install TomTom (which HAS been updated on WoWAce), and once inside the game, go to the Zygor Guides Options (right click z button on mini map), click the "+" symbol next to Zygor Guides Viewer, select Waypoints and change the Waypointing addon to use TomTom for waypoints.
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