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Problem with Main guide lvl13-20

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    Problem with Main guide lvl13-20

    got to part 56, in auberdine, but when i talk to thindris windweaver there is no quest, 'The Cliffspring River'. is this because i haven't doen a previous quest or is it cause of the patch?

    Did you start your character at level 1, or did you play with that character before buying our guides? It may be because you haven't done a previously required quest, or that you already completed the quest before getting our guides.
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      I don't believe this is a problem from a previous quest. What is your current level? It might just be a level thing.
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        I sorted it it was a problem from previous quests, there was a quests, 'how big a threat' which the guide only said do part 2 i didn't realise this (stupid i know) but i hadn't done part 1 so i completed that then the npc offered a quest to visit the other npc and get the correct quest. thanks guys.
        whether this is cause i missed something i don't know but i am dreanei so i had never been to darkshore before so i don't think it was.
        Last edited by baradruin; December 11, 2009, 05:07 AM. Reason: adding in a bit extra

