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Alliance trial guide

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    Alliance trial guide

    I already have the horde guide and I was kinda wanting to try a human pally. Thing is though, I'm not sure I'd stick with alliance. I really love playing horde and I've had far too many allies cause me grief. So, I'm really hesitant on paying $50 for something I may not even use.

    Saying all that... I've read quite a few posts with people that have both guides having problems. My question is... what if I had the horde guide and downloaded the alliance trial. Can I even do that being a member? Not sure if the trials are available to us after becoming members. Anyway, I wanted to know if there would be problems using a full guide and a trial guide in the opposite faction. By level 13 I'll know if I will stick to it or of it's worth it for me to pay another $50.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    80 Tauren Hunter - 75 Blood Elf Paladin - 54 Tauren Druid - 47 Undead Mage - 25 Dwarf Paladin - 26 Human Mage

    No, it should work fine. It doesn't matter that you are a member already, you can still go here and signup for the free trials:
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      Great! Thanks so much. Also, I haven't tried the new guide in-game yet but I did watch the video and am currently installing the new version right now. It's looks awesome! I have several already created toons and now it's not going to be so frustrating jumping into the guide with them. So, thank you!

      EDIT: Ok, I installed the horde update (working fine as far as I can see) and I also installed the trial. When I went onto my alliance toon, there was no Z, no nothing. I went into my interface options and saw Zygor viewer and talent advisor there. I chose human 1-13 but still nothing. In my chat window it said that it loaded the guide but....nada. What do I do from here?
      Last edited by crownedwithgrace; December 23, 2009, 09:30 AM. Reason: Added info
      80 Tauren Hunter - 75 Blood Elf Paladin - 54 Tauren Druid - 47 Undead Mage - 25 Dwarf Paladin - 26 Human Mage


        Awesome, I'm glad you like it! :-)
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          I think I might have edited my last post about the problem at/too near the same time you posted your comment so I'll post again. Horde guide is fine but alliance trial isn't loading. To avoid having to rewrite the whole issue again, please read the edit in my last post. Thanks in advance.
          80 Tauren Hunter - 75 Blood Elf Paladin - 54 Tauren Druid - 47 Undead Mage - 25 Dwarf Paladin - 26 Human Mage


            Hmm, there may be a problem with the trials. We are looking into it, thanks for letting us know.
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