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    I am using the level 50-55 guide, and i seem to be noticing problems with it in that it skips quests for a level 53 (i did research on one, you have to be 55 to get it, but isnt this guide for 53 if hypothetically we were at the 53 stage here?) and i am often left alone to grind more than 50% of my level once the section for my level is complete. What's going on? Is there something wrong im doing?

    Are you per chance doing quests in a part of the guide that is lower than your level? The new SIS feature will try to make you do quests at your own level, skipping everything but chain quests. If you want to change this, you have to move the slider in the Dynamic Progress part of the options for Zygor.

    I've never had to grind anything at all while using the guide, so something is definately not right


      SIS feature? Like i set the quest thing to allow me to do quests 6 levels below me because i thought i wasnt getting enough to do, but i am having to do quite a lot of grinding lately (last time i had to grind 50%- An 80 helped me run an instance) but now i have to grind like 48% and im not sure how thats going to work. Could you clarify please?

      EDIT: I think its the guide itself because i see alot of help related posts that relate to the lvl 50-55 guide so i guess it would need updating.

      EDIT: Would there be a way to find a ("patch", if you will) to take care of this problem, atleast untill i move onto the 55-60 guide?


        Just to clarify. By default if you get ahead of the guide with your level it will skip quests until your level and the level in the guide steps match. Only chain quests will not be skipped.
        I recommend to change the setting of how many levels you get ahead until the guide skips steps. Just press ESC ingame, click Interface and the addons tab, got to the Zygor Guide Viewer options and there into the Dynamic Progress section. Move the slider "Allow levels ahead" to the right. I recommend anything from 2 to 5 so you may get a few levels ahead of the guide.


          Yes, thats what I did, before I had the problem and then later it reached the problem. Should I just grind to 54 and maybe that would take care of the problem?


            It sounds like you had already leveled into whatever level you were when you started the guide and when the guide tried to use the SIS to find your place it didn't have enough quests remaining at that level to level you without grinding. You might want to grind it just to get on track. I'd recommend doing some instances to catch up.
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              Lol, instances, oh well uh I'll try soloing Uldaman see if that gets me the exp i need and that it wont require me to grind again at lvl 55. Would the 55-60 guide be a fresh start or would it still kinda build upon these problems, atleast I guess untill I hit outlands?

              Second thought: Nvm its ok i already got instance group for BRD lower and it got me to 54 and a lil more, i really hope i dont have to grind again.

              EDIT: I think its starting to get corrupted because its telling me to do something leading to a quest using an item i wasnt told to get, same with this quest for lvl 53 that one of them said go to these rune places when in fact u have to be 55 for them. Yes, i confirmed it on thotbott, it required me to use an item from the rune altars, when lo and behold i was supposed to be 55 to start that quest, even though it was on the section for 53 (all this before i messed with any sett
              ing and after i messed with setting)

              EDIT: Hell, I just want it to work smoothly, is there any way i can completely calibrate the thing so that its as if ive been on the guide since lvl 1 even tho i started the guide at 50

              EDIT: I thotbotted one of the quests, turns out it is a possible quest u obtain at 45 from ironforge. I guess ill head there but heres to hoping i dont have to grind again.

              EDIT: No, i can't get the quest from the guy who i would need the flare to call on him. man this thing is like messing up on me.

              EDIT: I found the beginning of the chain quest that leads to tymor then the flight guy quest

              EDIT: Nope, wont let me access him...dam...

              EDIT: I went to the guy who starts this chain before him, looks like theres hope for starting this chain after all.....


                When you first started using the guide with this character did you just select a guide section or did you let it fast forward thru itself to find an appropriate step for you?
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                  It fast forwarded itself to, for now though im ok, i just want to get to 60 .


                    I have a feeling that maybe it's trying to skip too much to keep up with your level. In the Zygor options go to the Dynamic Progression section and adjust the slider up to 5. This will tell the guide to allow you to get 5 levels ahead of it before it tries to skip steps. Doing this will mean that you'll hit all steps and quests for a while and before you know it you'll be at least one level ahead of where the guide thinks you are and won't have any more grinding issues.
                    My Flight Path Follies guide

                    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                      I'm just letting it take me to the quests, and for the quests it tells me to turn in that i have not done so, I thobott it and try to start it from there (Though that can get mighty annoying at times, but i suppose its the price i pay for starting at a lvl other than 1) (Outland here I come!)


                        There has to be something not quite right and I am suprised you are having that much of a problem. I have done both starting toons from level 1 and picked up at higher levels and in both cases I did not have *major* issues. My biggest gripe was figuring out where to be when starting out at the higher levels but that only took about 10-15 min to get a good starting place and after about an hour or two I was totally in sync with the guide *shrug*

                        Keep in mind this was all pre-SIS system and I have yet to download that version but in the end I read you can more or less disable it by moving a slider on the level range over to 80. Maybe give that a try and see if things go better for ya.

                        I am not trying to bash the new SIS stuff by any means as I think it is an awesome idea. My only point is that with a new system as complex as that there will be problems as it gets refined. I personally choose to not suffer throgh the initial problems as I love the guide as it is and do not want to tarnish my opinion of it
                        Cairne Realm
                        Main: 100 Human Prot Pally
                        Alt#1: 100 Tauren Resto Druid
                        Alt#2: 60 Dwarf Beast Hunter

