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Guide auto "fast-forwards"

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    Guide auto "fast-forwards"


    I downloaded and installed the latest version of the guide yesterday (12-29) and I now find that my guide auto fast-forwards a few steps when I turn in a quest. Then when I manually go back to the step I got forwarded FROM (e.g. because it was a step with not only a turn-in but also an accept) it will not go forward automatically anymore and I have to manually advance to the next step.

    Anybody else having this problem and/or any suggestions to solve it?


    This is part of the new smart system where it's trying to skip quests to keep up with your level. So if you're a level ahead of where the guide thinks you should be it will start to skip trivial quests in an attempt to catch up to where you are in level so that you're not doing stuff below your level. If you'd still like to do more of the quests below your level go into the guide options and in the Dynamic section of the guide options is a slider bar. Slide this to how many levels you want the guide to allow you to get ahead of it before it tries to skip quests to catch up.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks for the reply. I will try it out as soon as my account is deblocked. Guess I too have become victim of account theft. I am flabbergasted as to the how and why. Oh well. Such is life.

