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Question about MoP Guide

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    Question about MoP Guide


    I hope i grabbed the right forum for my question:

    I just upgraded. When will I get the new content?

    We will be sending out all the guide updates and new features the week the game is scheduled to go live. This will be done well in advance of the game going live. The guides will be distributed via the Zygor Guides client and the first wave of updates will include all the content that was available to be written in the Beta. From there, the guides will be continuously updated with any changes made when the game goes live.

    So I could be able to use the guide when the game launches? I'm wondering if I could try like server first lvl 90 with the help of this new guide (or at least as far as it goes)?!


    Yes, you will have the MoP guides in time for trying to go for server first. They should be out to the Updater before MoP goes live.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      this maybe abit OT on this thread, but also regarding the MoP guide.
      i cant recall having to pay anything when cataclysm went live for an updated guide, how is it now so that the MoP guide will cost extra for long time users? ive been using zygor for about 2 years+ now and i absolutely love it, but charging like almost half the price for an extra xpac is a little much for me tbh.
      or did i missread it when i checked my 'manage guides' section on the members page?

      greets, James


        It depends on when you purchased your guides. If you purchased them between Oct. 7th and Dec. 7th 2010 then the Cataclysm upgrade was included in the purchase price. We did not charge anyone for the 1-60 zone re-vamp so maybe that's what you're thinking of.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          i cant excactly recall when i bought it, but it would be halfway through or late WoTLK, becuz thats when i started playing and i made good use of the guide lvling to 80 i remember that . can the purchase date be checked somewhere? dont know if it matters though...

          i plan on making use of the guide again for mop so none the less ill probably buy the upgrade. i just think its kinda sad that the pricing for the upgrade is quite expensive if u look at the full guide price
          its 40$ for a full guide (if say id want to get the ally one aswell) and 20$ for only the mop upgrade for my horde guide.

          i understand that MoP will be a large expansion, seeing if been on the beta and lvled my main to 90. and that the people at zygor invested alot of time preparing the guide for it. this would be the only reason for me to pay for the upgrade. but if u look at it complete guide wise i personally think the pricing is abit off for an upgrade


            If you still have your old Clickbank receipt from when you purchased it would have the date on it.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              Originally posted by iijam3zii View Post
              i cant excactly recall when i bought it, but it would be halfway through or late WoTLK, becuz thats when i started playing and i made good use of the guide lvling to 80 i remember that . can the purchase date be checked somewhere? dont know if it matters though...

              i plan on making use of the guide again for mop so none the less ill probably buy the upgrade. i just think its kinda sad that the pricing for the upgrade is quite expensive if u look at the full guide price
              its 40$ for a full guide (if say id want to get the ally one aswell) and 20$ for only the mop upgrade for my horde guide.

              i understand that MoP will be a large expansion, seeing if been on the beta and lvled my main to 90. and that the people at zygor invested alot of time preparing the guide for it. this would be the only reason for me to pay for the upgrade. but if u look at it complete guide wise i personally think the pricing is abit off for an upgrade
              Looking at your account, you purchased:

              Horde 1-80 Leveling Guide - 08/27/2009 for $50.00
              UPGRADE - Horde Cataclysm Leveling Guide - 11/21/2010 for $20.00

              So you did purchase an upgrade for Cataclysm for the same price as
              the single Leveling guide upgrades for MoP.

              Thanks for the support, we won't let you down! :-)
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                tnx for clearing this out for me cuz i was under the impression the upgrade was free at the time....its been so long XD...2 years allready yeez...
                grabbing the MoP part soon i guess
                tnx for the the quick help and keep up the great work!

                Cheers, James


                  hi i was also wondering does my guide come with mop upgrade aswell i purhched it prob about 2-3 weeks ago

                  ahh i see it i do get it haha thx any idea when i can update it though it is telling me that the addon is out of date*
                  Last edited by zero3222; August 28, 2012, 06:21 PM.


                    If you are playing on US server you can update to guide version 3.3.4822, on EU server I would wait until after the patch as the talent advisor of the current guide is made for WoW 5.0.4.
                    The out of date message should be no problem as long as you have the most current guide version.


                      where do i obtain the update tho ?


                        You get the guide update by running the Zygor updater. Or download the manual installation zip from the members section and extract it to your WoW\Interface\Addons folder.


                          hey i was was doing the update and the zyger guide was telling me it cannot find the wow.exe can u please help THANKS!


                            Blizzard renamed the Launcher.exe file. The following steps should get the Updater fixed for you.

                            1. Run the Updater (click on Abort in the small window if needed to prevent the auto-launching of WoW)
                            2. Click Settings
                            3. In the 2nd box go to the very end of the line and change it from Launcher.exe to World of Warcraft Launcher.exe
                            4. Click OK
                            My Flight Path Follies guide

                            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                              sorry didnt read it fully got it

