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Goblin (1-13) Step 40: Learn Flash Heal from Sister Goldskimmer ASAP

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    Goblin (1-13) Step 40: Learn Flash Heal from Sister Goldskimmer ASAP

    Goblin (1-13) Step 40: Learn Flash Heal from Sister Goldskimmer

    I turned on automatic accept and turn in quests, and the game has accepted the quest where you learn Flash Heal but the ability does not appear in my Spellbook nor do I see any item or any other way to use it. I'm pretty sure I don't have it. Please help ASAP!

    Talk to Sister Goldskimmer and select the option to learn skills from her. You have to purchase the Flash Heal skill.

    After MoP goes live in a month these skills will all be given automatically and make this quest obsolete.
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