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Level change, and guide becomes useless .. very unhappy!

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    Level change, and guide becomes useless .. very unhappy!

    This is the second time this has happened to me. First is when I hit 87 and now again at 88. At level 87 the guide told me I was to proceed to the next section of the guide. Problem was when I hit a wall hours latter where the guild told me to do a quest and there was nothing there.

    What happend? Well after 30 min to an hour if reading Wowhead and other people coments I found out that when the guide moved me to 87 it stopped me from completing the stormstout quest line that you must have finished to go on with the guide hours later into the game. I wasted a LOT of time.

    Now when I turned 88 It told me again to move on to Townlong stepps. So I ride 1.7 miles all the way through all kinds of mobs just to find out...... There is no quest giver there. And now I have no idea how far I need to go or what I need to so that the guild will start to work again.

    This is extremely fustrating being I payed good money for this to work, and now I'm wasting more time than if I didn't buy this thing at all.

    The feature that has the guide prompt you to move on when you hit the next level should have been disabled for the 85+ zones. Please make sure you have updated your guides and if you are prompted to move on in these zones do not do so. You might also need to go back to the previous zones and finish the leveling guides in there.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Please make sure to update your guide everytime you play WoW. Whenever a new expansion is released we send out multiple updates everyday to address any issues that arise.
      Zygor Guides Creative Director


        Thank you for the very quick reply, I thought it updated on it's own. I got that fixed now. Again thank you.


          Looks like Blizzard made questing even more linear. Reminds me of the Kurenai problems in Nagrand...


            Currently I run WoW via the client. Should I be running the Zygor Updater first before running WoW then? Sorry if this is a daft question, I'm new to WoW and to Zygor so still getting a feel for how this all works. Just want to be sure I'm getting the best I can out of Zygor (and so far so good! Took my druid from level 14 to 18 last night.)


              You can launch the game directly from our client, so yes, it would be best to run the client first everytime to check for an update.
              Zygor Guides Creative Director

