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Question on updating the guide

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    Question on updating the guide

    When I download a guide update do I need to restart my leveling quest guide in game? Do I need to get out of the leveling/quest guide in game and back in to start using any new updates to guide or do I need to get out of guide in game then restart game and guide? I want to make sure I get the latest and greatest version of quests.Thanks for any help on this and great guide.

    I would recommend having the game closed when you update, but as far as needing to redo anything in game, most times you shouldn't have to, unless something major changes, like the name of the guide, and usually it will force you to reload the guide anyway. Even if the order of steps is changed you can usually just load that guide and skip through till you find where you need to be.
    Zygor Guides Creative Director


      Thanks for fast reply. I always run the Zygor updater before I start the game. I was just worried since the guide was running last time I was on that I may need to turn off the guide in game and reopen it, to see any updates to it.

      I wanted to add you all did a great job on this guide and I am enjoying all the new features you all have added. I have seen very few bugs so far and they have been very minor (little more info on some quest would be helpful), save for one that I posted on and you all seem to be fixing. Job well done all!

