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Guide Auto-Selecting Aldor...

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    Guide Auto-Selecting Aldor...

    I will be the first to admit I love the new monomyth-esque feature of Zygors that is until now... I started doing my quest sequence in Shattrath and before I could stop it the guide had selected Aldor instead of Scryer (I am a warlock and scryer tends to be the way to go there). I am not sure if when the guide was redone that they went with whatever option the quest track takes but this is really a pain because reversing it is beyond annoying. There needs to be a stop or pause in that line so that the it isn't autoselected.. Again I know it's my fault for using that feature but with multiple quests offered I didn't think it would chose one for me in that case heh.

    This happened because you have the auto-accept quests option turned on and it will auto-accept the quests in the order they are listed with the NPC from top to bottom. The Aldor quest is above the Scryers quest so that was accepted first.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Hello Cabby,

      I know that (thus the monomyth reference in my post). The problem is there needs to be a break pause coded into that so it doesn't auto-accept in that capacity. In some (most) cases it is no big deal but in that case it is a huge deal because it takes a lot to correct it. I will not be the first nor the last person who has auto-accept on that goes to Shattrath and finds out the hard way what will happen if you talk to the quest giver at that point :P A choice that tough to undo should have a coded pause or break in the auto-accept function.


        I do agree with you in that I always have it on and never pay attention to it when I'm starting up in Shatt. But then again, I've never worried about what faction I was on there but I do understand what you're saying. I'm not sure if it's something that can easily be done but I'll put this on our list of things to look into for possible solutions.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          We recently had this topic:

          The solution for selecting the faction would be one step with two confirms asking to click which one you will choose and then jumping to the appropriate accept step for only the quest you need for the chosen faction.

          There's another problem, at least the 3.0 guide viewer did not recognize the reputation change on the fly, you had to /reload or logout, otherwise the guide would have shown steps for both factions.


            Hello Cartman,

            I read through that thread and yeah I notice that I'm not the only one. Definitely a good way to remove that is a confirmation or even a break or pause set into the code so that in that particular guide it doesn't auto-accept for you. I know C and I know pause/breaks are possible but putting them in existing code always presents a problem. If I wasn't a lock it wouldn't be that bad heh and I realize Shatt is pretty dead anymore but I still from a tailoring perspective like to get all the patterns available. Never thought I'd be level 64 rep grinding already trying to fix this before I continue on my quest lines but here I am

