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Help me understand how it's efficient....

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    Help me understand how it's efficient....

    I've been trying to use the guide now, because because of instance levelling and triple xp from refer-a-friend, it has not really been useful. That aside, I don't understand how the guide is efficient. It takes you half way around the world, to do 1 quest, then travel back across the world to do 2 quests, then all the way back again. I mean I've always found the fastest way to level was to go to an area appropriate for your level and get all the quests. So to answer my original question...how is this guide efficient?

    I did exactly what you have done up to booty bay quests.

    First, the guide is designed for solo leveling, not mandated instance pug time. The SIS will work to keep itself at an appropriate lvl if you set it up right, since you do instances.

    Second, the only way to gather a satisfactory answer to your question is to lvl two toons at the same time; one toon your way, one toon with the guide, giving each the same amount of time /played.

    Once your toon hits 25 using the guide, and your other toon is still lvl 18, you will see the benefits.
    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
      First, the guide is designed for solo leveling, not mandated instance pug time. The SIS will work to keep itself at an appropriate lvl if you set it up right, since you do instances.
      Actually I purchased the guide SPECIFICALLY because of the video, which explained that with SIS it would skip unecessary quests if I level in instances, or because of the advances from triple xp. I've yet to see it work properly.


        Originally posted by tedly View Post
        Actually I purchased the guide SPECIFICALLY because of the video, which explained that with SIS it would skip unecessary quests if I level in instances, or because of the advances from triple xp. I've yet to see it work properly.
        That is strange. I have had no issues with the SIS working or not working, based on how I set it up. In the dynamic progress portion of the guide you can set it up detailed to your desires. I used this guide to lvl a 44 to 80, and am working on finishing my lock, a hunter, a pally, and a new shaman. Each of these toons I have adjusted different based on where they are in-game.

        Scroll over each of the checked/unchecked boxes in the dynamic progress section to see if you want that feature on or off. Just setting the slider from 0 - whatever has not given me the exact response I want from the guide. With those checked or unchecked, I have exactly what I need in speed and efficiency.

        BTW, I also start instances begining at lvl 15.

        If you would like more help, I would be happy to get into an IM with you while we both are ingame.
        "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

