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Northrend 74-76: step 235

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    Northrend 74-76: step 235

    I am exceptionally frustrated right now. If I sound harsh it is because this is not the first time I have been totally stumped due to missing directions in the guide.

    Northrend 74-76
    Step 235: go into the sewers

    Missing: no instructions to any of the three access points that I finally found by asking a guard

    Step 236: go outside the sewer to 30,48

    missing: no instructions on how to get
    outside the sewers. I'm stuck underground and
    I'm going to have to stone home to the Dalaran
    inn to get out of here.

    Do you think you could put out a guide I do not
    have to consistently go to Thotbot or WoW Wiki
    to look up missing instructions on ?

    Try updating your guide. The latest version has different step numbers than what you claim for your steps.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      I was also totally stumped by this step and had to consult various web resources. Additionally, the waypoint for Rhonin (step 236) is about 830 yards off. Up until this point I haven't had any problems with the guide, but BOY did these few steps frustrate me.

      EDIT: Also, I do in fact have the latest version of the guide. I just purchased and installed today, and before I installed I ran the update to ensure my version was current. This is a legitimate error in the guide.

