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Hunter Help

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    Hunter Help

    Hi guys,
    I have a lvl 69 hunter.
    I am really bad and have got terrible gear.
    Could anyone give me a list of what spells to use and stuff like u did for the lvl 14 druid guy?
    That would be a great help. Any other information you know tell me that too plz!!

    I guess we'll need to know a few things to truly help you more. What type of pet do you use? Do you use any hunter specific addons and if so which ones? What talent spec are you?

    My rotation on my hunter is arcane, mulit, serpent, steady, arcane, steady, then repeat. At least I believe that was the rotation. Haven't played the hunter in about a month but that seems to be pretty close to what I was doing.

    For gear your priorities should be Ranged AP, AGI, Haste/Crit, STA, INT/SPI in that order. The spots where there are 2 things means they both have about the same priority rating. Also, as a hunter if you're doing primarily PvE then they type of gear (cloth, leather, mail) doesn't matter as much since you shouldn't be getting hit very often, stats are more important than the armor rating of the gear.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.



      Not really an answer, another Hunter question. My lvl 60 Hunter seems to have a big problem with mana. After killing a couple of mobs my man is down to 50%. Is this the way it should be? Is there a way to kickup the mana regeneration?


        That mana drop rate is pretty normal. Hunters in general don't have a large MP5 regen rate. They do however have a nice spell called Aspect of the Viper which regens mana very fast, especially when attacking something. Best thing to do, and this will eliminate all downtime, use Aspect of the Hawk like normal and when you get down to about 20-30% mana switch over to Aspect of the Viper until you're back up to around 90% then go back to Hawk. Doing this you should never have to stop killing except for your health, and a quick bandage (hope you did First Aid like a good boy ) takes care of this in a few seconds to allow you to keep going.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Nice support. Thanks


            This macro here makes it easier to switch between Aspect of the Hawk/Dragonhawk to Aspect of the Viper and back again.

            /cast Aspect of the Hawk
            /cast Aspect of the Viper

            By using that you can switch between the two with only one button press and to use on less spot for an ability.Generally to start I send my pet in let it take the mob down to around 90% health then I use Arcane Shot when available until Kill Shot comes available.Also when you are done with a mob switch to Aspect of the Viper while looting and going to the next mob.While leveling you should spec in Beast Mastery as it is the better one while leveling right now.At 40 you can Dual Spec into either Survival or Marksman as them two are a little better at dps for dungeons or raids.You can also go to http://www.warcrafthuntersunion.com/ for advice though most of it is geared toward end game content but I have learned a few things from there also for a low level.Google can be your best friend too just search for what you are looking and 9 times out of ten it will be there.
            You just keep doin' what it looks like you're supposed to be doin', no matter how crazy it seems.


              (talents & glyphs may be wrong .. it's an alt)


              Glyph of Hunter's Mark
              Glyph of Serpent Sting
              Glyph of Mend Pet

              Any Tenacity pet. Pet will start at MAX 5 lvl's below you, no matter what lvl you get it at.
              Now you've got your own leveling tank who hits like a girl but can tank whatever you throw at him! Thunderstomp talent rox.

              Macro-repeat it on up to 2-4 mobs.
              /castsequence reset=18,target hunter's mark, serpent sting, arcane shot
              /cast Aspect of the Hawk
              /cast Aspect of the Viper

              Oh and hi .. my first post.
              Little Boy: You tellin' me you're a witch...? You ain't no witch! Witches are girls!
              Warlock: *Some* are men.


                More about my char

                im a lvl 69 hunter Beast Mastery spec (tell me if u know another 1 better) I use turtle pet. and not sure wat else to say. O btw ty for help guys



                  Hey guys,
                  Im thinking about making a new alliance character on a new realm, as the realm my horder guy is on is pvp. Is there anyone with an 80 that could be like a parent account to me? and help me out and we could have fun together! Please tell me your realm and char name some how. And also if you have any suggestions on what character i should make. im happy to hear that too!


                    Do you play on EU or US?


                      RancidPoopy question

                      RP, you suggest switching to Aspect of the Viper while looting. However, as I understand this aspect, it "causes ranged attacks to regenerate mana while reducing damage by 50%". Thus, switching while not in combat would have no effect whatsoever. Right?

                      I see that Patch 2.4.2 (2008-05-13): This ability now grants an additional amount of mana each 5 seconds equal to 35% of the hunter's level.

                      Perhaps this effect increases the hunter's mana when not using a range weapon. Will test.
                      Last edited by daiseki; March 22, 2010, 06:25 AM. Reason: new info


                        Originally posted by cata View Post
                        Pick up an Gorilla from STV (any pet will start at MAX 5 lvl's below you, no matter what lvl you get it at). Feed him a lot of bananas and tell him he's hansom!
                        Now you've got your own leveling tank who hits like a girl but can tank whatever you throw at him!
                        Key talent: Thunderstomp!
                        (could be a cat, but then you're not lazy, hence my guide is not working for you, because you are actually trying)
                        Actually any Tenacity pet will work for this. With all the changes they've made to the pets all Tenacity pets will tank about the same and Thunderstomp is no longer a Gorilla only talent like it used to be.

                        And yes daiseki, Viper will regen mana without you attacking, it's just that you'll gain mana faster if you are attacking something compared to the normal MP5 tick regen that Viper provides.
                        My Flight Path Follies guide

                        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                          Originally posted by cabby View Post
                          Actually any Tenacity pet will work for this. With all the changes they've made to the pets all Tenacity pets will tank about the same and Thunderstomp is no longer a Gorilla only talent like it used to be.
                          But what's better than looking at that huge a** while leveling and naming your gorilla after your best friend in the guild

                          Ah I was wondering why the Thunderstomp ability seemed available to all Tenacity pets on Petopia. Hadn't noticed that change. Been a while since I reached 80 with him.
                          Little Boy: You tellin' me you're a witch...? You ain't no witch! Witches are girls!
                          Warlock: *Some* are men.


                            I'll admit, I think the gorillas are probably the better looking tenacity pets, but I haven't had a chance to see a rhino pet yet so there's still some wiggle room there.
                            My Flight Path Follies guide

                            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

