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lvl 50-55 step 120ish

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    lvl 50-55 step 120ish

    confused:maybe ive messed sumthin up i really like this guide but its asking me to get a quest that i have never seen before it just tells me to accept quest Betrayed(2) and i was never prompted to get Betrayed originally along with some quest about vials that idk anything about i really love this guide super helpful worth the money just a little confused

    We're investigating this issue, but for now, try this:

    Select your race's 1-13 section of the guide as if you started a new character. Right click on the next step button and the guide will start to fast forward. It might stop on a step for you to get a FP or set a hearth location, ignore these for now and right click on the next step button again. It will eventually stop on a step wanting you to accept a quest. Even if this is 10+ levels below you do it. These lower level quests are the beginnings of chains and need to be completed so you can accept the quests at your level. At this point just follow what the guide wants you to do. It will do a lot of skipping between steps as it finishes catching up to you.
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      ok i think that it would be beneficial to users to let them know this like in some part of the guide just in like a help tab of some type just a thought but thank you for the help ill try it thank you again and i wanted to let you know that the quest "cortello's riddle" isnt working right now the soggy scroll cant be activated for some reason blizzard is looking into it


        Can you post a bug report here, please? Thanks.
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          ok fair enough i tried what you said and it did its fast forward thing but then it disconnected me from the server so i took off all my other addons then tried it again it worked for minute or two then it kicked me off again

          nvm maintainence mode fixed it

