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Help plz.

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    Help plz.


    I just bought the bundle package and downloaded it. Went in-game and dont really know where to start? Im lvl 45 Blood Elf Paladin, shows that the guide is at the lvl 1-13 stage.


    Also should I abandon all my current quests?



      When you use the guide for the first time, it will automatically detect your class and race and display that starting guide. I'd suggest you set the dynamic progress options (right-click the "check" icon and in the addons menu, click the "+" icon with Zygor guides and then click the "Dynamic Progress" option) to having all the checkboxes checked (really make sure "Skip Impossible steps" is checked) and set to allow 2 lvls ahead to get started.
      Then select the lvl 40-45 guide (if you hover the mouse cursor to the left of the "resize window" button, you'll see an animation of something popping open, click it and select the correct guide part) and right-click the "arrow down" button on the left side.
      Now you'll see the guide blazing through the steps until it reaches either a useful step or a "pick up Flight Path" step. If you have that flight path already, just right-click to blaze to the correct first step, it just does that because the addon hasn't been able to check your known Flight Paths (i'm guessing those aren't accessible from the server for addons yet).

      As you lvl, you can set the allow 2 lvls ahead options back to 0 lvls ahead, the 2 lvls are just recommended when starting on pre-leveled characters to avoid those annoying "You should now be lvl x, if not, grind a little till ding" messages, in 2 to 3 lvls you should be on track with the guides... Or if you like easy fights better, you can continue to allow yourself to be 2 lvls ahead of the guide.

      I hope this helps you on your path to "Weren't you 2 lvls lower last time?" remarks and I'm sorry if I either left something out or oversimplified it, I'm just trying to be as complete and helpful as I can
      Altoholic and proud of it!

      Babylon 5 quotes:
      • "Touch passion when it comes your way. It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name."
      • "Power beckons, and who among us is strong enough to ignore its siren song?"
      • "No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, governments and tyrants and armies cannot stand."


        Never mind; I found out what to do by messing around with it. Great guide so far, was using ding80.com's guide and was sick of printing the paper!

