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Warlock Talent Suggestions

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    Warlock Talent Suggestions

    So the guide is telling me i should be using Demonology to level?

    Ive been enjoying Affliction at level 37, and i feel like for dungeons and PVP it works great, im usually one of the highest DPS's unless theres someone with crazy gear (my gearscore is under 300) Is demonology really that much better for leveling?

    Thanks in advance

    Demonology is like the Hunters Beast Master. It's not faster but it's easier for leveling, and since a lot of people who buy our guides are new at the game, easier tends to be faster than struggling through a harder spec. Affliction deals out better damage but at the risk of more downtime and deaths for the inexperienced player (less for players who know what they are doing). This is a matter of subjectivity though, and if Affliction is working out for you we don't recommend you switch.
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      Cool i've gotten pretty good at "Drain Tanking" and can usually get most of my Health and Mana back as im fighting, plus between healthstones, the ability to cannibalize i dont have much down time at all, thanks!

