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    Support for the addon Cartographer has been officially stopped.

    "There are no plans to do any major bug fixes for Cartographer (v2 or v3). If there is an update it will only be a minor fix. (It has already been this way since at least 2008.) Cartographer(v2) uses an outdated framework that will not be updated in the case of major breakages so Cartographer(v2) would require a complete rewrite. Neither of the two main developers (Ckknight and Arrowmaster) have the time nor desire to do this currently. Occasionally a new version might be released to include fixes made by other developers or new versions of embedded libraries."


    What will the Zygor developers do when Cartographer goes down the drain after the release of WoW: Cataclysm?

    Hate to say it but you're really behind the times. Cartographer had stopped being updated back with Blizzard patch 3.3 and since then Zygor has developed his own waypoint arrow to work with the guides. In addition there is also built in support for TomTom and Carbonite. Cartographer is no longer the recommended waypoint system for use with the Zygor guides nor is it distributed with the Zygor guides anymore.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

