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guide 1-13 undead

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    guide 1-13 undead

    I am a new player to WoW, and I am having trouble with step 121 in the 1-13 undead guide. I am currently a lvl 11 priest and this quest requires me to kill captain dargol and get his skull. However, this place that he is in is full of large groups of monsters that kick my ass every time I go in. Does anyone have a solution for my problem?

    I can personally only offer 3 options that come to mind.

    1. Find someone else there (rogue, warrior, etc.) and team up with them to get that one step done. Lots of times if you're having a problem with a step there's a good chance someone else is having a problem doing that also.

    2. If you're in a guild see if a higher level could come help with that one step.

    3. If all else fails, skip the step for now and come back in a couple levels when you have a chance at better survivability.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Cabbys suggestions are probably your best options. The priest is one of the classes with lower survivability earlier on. Out of curiosity, are you using our recommend leveling build with on this character.
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        or see if you can go around the big and scary people or wait for them to walk out of your way and sprint (not really) your way in...
        [URL="http://www.livestream.com/15501258"]Watch my live stream :)[/URL]


        [COLOR="darkorange"]Halcius [/COLOR][COLOR="purple"]85 [/COLOR][COLOR="cyan"]DK [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Garona[/COLOR]
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