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stuck with aldor

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    stuck with aldor

    I accidently clicked on aldor instead of scryers in shathra how do i undoo this choice????

    You can't, at least not without spending *numerous* hours doing so. Honestly, don't worry about it. It will probably not even matter in the grand scale of things (there are only about 15 or so aldor/scryer specific quests in the guide), so just skip anything you cannot do. Good luck! :-)
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      indeed this only really mattered back in tbc and for profs (JC FTW) but now it doesn't matter

      poor zygor got to redo 1-60 i just hope they change the shaman totem quests ( multiboxing 5 chars atm and there horrible to do)


        I have a feeling you won't have to do them, since Hunters don't have to do their pet quests at all (they now start with a pet at level 1). Warlocks also start with an Imp at level 1 and Voidwalker is trained at your class trainer at level 8 (no quest involved). So, it would only make sense that Shamans will be able to simply train their totems at their class trainer. :-)
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          Originally posted by Zygor View Post
          I have a feeling you won't have to do them, since Hunters don't have to do their pet quests at all (they now start with a pet at level 1). Warlocks also start with an Imp at level 1 and Voidwalker is trained at your class trainer at level 8 (no quest involved). So, it would only make sense that Shamans will be able to simply train their totems at their class trainer. :-)
          lets hope so

