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Stuck for the first time!

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    Stuck for the first time!

    After levelling multiple toons with the guide I'm finally stuck I'm levelling an undead mage using the Zygor frost build and the guide has me doing the Alien Egg quest in Thousand Needles at level 24. Only thing is, all the mobs around it are level 28 and 29 cougars, wind serpents and hyenas! I've tried 9 times now and have died every time - frost bolt is not powerful enough and fire ball is too damn slow. Frost Nova freezes them for about 2 seconds at most and all spells miss around 50% of the time. I'm a bit surprised that the guide has me fighting through level 28/29 mobs at level 24!

    I don't remember doing this quest on other horde toons - maybe SIS skipped it in the past.

    Finally did this by running in and grabbing the egg, then blinking away with them all chasing me Got away with about 10% health left.

    I think the point is still valid, though - the alliance guide doesn't go into Thousand Needles until a significantly higher level than the horde one. Even the first quest killing the centaurs was a pain - those arrows really sting and I was having to bandage or eat after every kill.

    I guess things will get better with Frostbite and Shatter - at least I hope so


      I remember the Alien Egg quest being a pain also (even with a paladin) as you have to eventually check all possible locations and fight your way through the serpents which are pretty high level.
      However with my latest character, a priest, I had no problems.

      For Alliance chars there are no low level quests in Thousand Needles, the only quests are those at the raceway. And those quests are best done at level 30+.

      But as the entire region will change with Cataclysm don't worry about doing this quest again.

