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Devourer of Souls

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    Devourer of Souls

    <level 21 bloodelf warlock> I noticed that I now have to pickup devourer of souls quest for succubus. I already received the succubus due to changes in 4.0.1 patch, and cannot get the quest. Is this quest now obsolete?


    Yes it is obsolete. Any class quest like getting a pet on warlock or hunter is not in the game anymore. You can skip past those.
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      All class quests have been removed by blizzard, and now are just trainable when you get to the required level.
      They have not been removed from the current guide(s) due to 2 factors;
      1) The guides are being 100% re-written with the Cata expansion
      2) The guides being re-written for Cata expansion has been deemed a higher priority.
      The function of the guide is still intact, you just have to click an arrow once in a while. And, if you have 'Skip Obsolete' checked, all the subsequent quests will be skipped.
      As Chaos suggested, just skip these for now.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."

