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What happens when you're already 40 when you buy the guide?

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    What happens when you're already 40 when you buy the guide?

    Ok so I tried the guide on a newb pally I just started and that was great. So I bought it and started working on my priest, who is already level 40. So I went to STV like it said and it's already telling me to kill raptors for a quest that I haven't started yet. I accepted about every single quest at the grom'gol base and I still didn't get that quest. Do I have to do every other quest there before it seems to go "as planned" or something?

    Anyways it does seem to work great except at the moment i'm not sure where to go or what to do since I am already in the middle of leveling.. lol

    Did you try to set the guide to you level. Because you not supposed to do that. This link should help you sync up you guide to where you are: http://www.zygorguides.com/help/sis.php
    I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
    Twitter @Chaos5061.
    Translations are done with Google Translate.


      awesome! Thank you so much! That was very useful


        Your welcome. If you have anymore questions post them and we'll try to help.
        I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
        Twitter @Chaos5061.
        Translations are done with Google Translate.


          Chaos did a pretty good job there.
          And dont worry about it. I bought the guide on a lvl 40ish toon, and this was pre-SIS.
          Just deal with the running around you're going to do to get sync'd up, and you'll be off and running in no time.
          I think it took me about 2-3 RL hours to get sync'd up. But again, that was pre-SIS.
          "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


            Originally posted by Kamchak View Post
            Chaos did a pretty good job there.
            And dont worry about it. I bought the guide on a lvl 40ish toon, and this was pre-SIS.
            Just deal with the running around you're going to do to get sync'd up, and you'll be off and running in no time.
            I think it took me about 2-3 RL hours to get sync'd up. But again, that was pre-SIS.
            The time it takes to get sync'd up changes alot depending on the level of the toon. When I started running my fiance's lvl 73 Hunter, I started the SIS on the LVL 1-13 BE and let that start... but about 5 mins into it I realized there was no real reason to start it on anything lower than the LVL 70-72 Northrend guide and fast forward from there. The only thing I ended up doing we dropping a few of her quests that quickly became out-leveled and within a short time (maybe an hour), I was caught up and running on all cylinders...
            * Signature to be Updated at a later time *

