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Ok Newbie here

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    Ok Newbie here

    I need some help I faction changed all of my toons to horde and with that my quest log for my hunter has been wiped clean. I am trying to work out what I've done and what quests I need to be doing. The addon isnt helping me and I am starting to get really fustrated, I dont know where to go and the guide is telling me to go here but apparently I cant get any quests. I have one quest that I got in Dalaran and the is to go to sholazar baisn so I am there but the guide is telling me to Grizzly hills, is there something wrong with the in game guide or is it my stupidity.



    It sounds like you're manually selecting your guide level and that's what is messing everything up. Do the following:

    Hover your mouse over the guide window title bar and click the gear that rolls out from the right side. Use the tree menu to select the 70-72 guide (this and 60-62 are fresh starts with empty quest logs). Now just start following the guide from there. The guide will skip stuff you don't need but if it says to pick up a quest then do it as it's part of a chain that the guide uses later on.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks Cabby I will keep in mind, I all so checked out a few of the forum posts here and they kept on saying about the smart injection system. So I went to the help option and read about the SIS and just followed the step by step by step guides on how to use it. So I did just that and after about 10mins or so the guide came to a series of quests that I haven't done in Grizzly Hills so I did those and the just followed the guide.

