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Going for Realm First! Level 85

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    Going for Realm First! Level 85

    Hey guys,

    I recently got zygor's guide, and I was wondering if the 80 to 85 guide is good enough to give me a good chance for the Realm First 85 in a high population server.

    How long does it take if you follow all the steps efficiently with no down time? (I'm sure the developers tried it on beta?)

    I hope 80-85 guide is well designed!

    Sorry if I posted this in a wrong section.

    While I'm sure the guide is fluid, I doubt you'll be able to get the Realm First ach. Nothing personal, but unless you can literally play 24/7, I doubt it'll happen. I read this article recently:

    The author writes a strategy he would use to try and get a server first 85, but that includes getting a group of characters to follow you and support you, having the right food for food buffs, having certain macros pre-programmed in to speed you along, playing all around the clock...

    I remember seeing those achievements go out shortly after LK was released. I think I was like 72, maybe 73 when they started going out. This was using ZG for leveling back then.

    Absolutely use the guides to a T and push to level as fast as you can. Even if you're not the first, an 85 of any class will get guild invites and offers to join in end-game content.
    Lifetime Natural Bodybuilder

    Current Weight: 222
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      If there is still going to be a realm first or wow first to 85, you had better plan ahead. There are ppl that have food buffs, flasks, potions, and a crew of ppl to play in shifts. No, not joking... 4-5 ppl to play same toon to get it to 85.
      There are ppl taking this way to serious imo.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        Hey, thanks for the tips. I've heard that some people did it in 8 hours or so just by questing normally? Is that true? If that's the case I probably don't need to get people and take shifts?


          I think the first 80 on my realm was like 2 days or so after lk came out. But that's still fast lOl
          Dwarf Shaman-Shamme 90 Elemental/Resto
          Nelf Rouge-Legolys 90 Sub/Ass
          Pandarian Monk-Phood 90 Windwalker/Brewmaster
          Nelf Druid-Ornek 85 Boomkin/Bear
          Nelf DK-Zgknight 85 Blood/NA
          Draenei Hunter-Bowz 85 MM/Survival
          Worgen Priest-Loyder 85 Disc/Shadow
          Gnome Warlock-Lotzadots 85 Destro/NA
          Dwarf Paladin-Buradin 85 Prot/Ret
          Gnome Mage-Zygors 70 Arcane/NA
          Nelf Warrior-Talifan 61 Prot/NA


            Heard from sources that it will take a straight time of 24 hours. That's no stopping. No professions. And loading up on dailiy quests for turn ins right away.
            I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
            Twitter @Chaos5061.
            Translations are done with Google Translate.

