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Question about "Home Cities Exalted Reputation Guide"

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    Question about "Home Cities Exalted Reputation Guide"

    I have just begun the "Home Cities Exalted Reputation Guide" and the first step is to:

    1) Talk to Shadow Priest Sarvis
    ? Turn in 'Rude Awakening'
    ! Accept 'The Mindless Ones'

    I did not have 'Rude Awakening' and 'The Mindless Ones' is not available. So, the next step is:

    2) Talk to Novice Elreth
    ! Accept 'The Damned'

    This quest is not available so what should I do? Use Smart Injection to figure out where to start for this achivement?

    I never used these guides but it seems they take you through all starting zones to do all the quests there.
    These guides do not seem to be updated for the changed starting zones.
    Also the level 1-5 zones seem to be only for the specific races. At least someone had trouble when going with a level 1 Draenei to the Human starting zone.


      Okay, a little bit more information about my question above in hope that it helps someone to answer my question. I looked several steps into the guide and pretty much all of the steps are either blue or greyed out. So, I right-clicked the smart-injection button to see what it would do and it changed my starting point from Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimador and changed the guide from "Home Cities Exalted Reputation Guide" to Troll & Orc (5-10) step 1. Is this correct or am I wasting my time?


        BTW, the toon that I am currently working on the crusader title for is a level 85 troll priest.


          The Dailies & Events guides (which the Home Cities stuff is a part of) has not been updated for the Cataclysm. This means that you can't currently use the guide to go thru Azeroth to build up your rep because all of the quests in the Home Cities guides are still all of the pre-shattering quests and most of them have been removed from the game.
          My Flight Path Follies guide

          A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

          I reject your reality and substitute my own.

          All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


            Ok, thanks. So, I guess I should just wait until Zygor updates it before I work on the Crusader title via questing then. I will just work on other things until then. I am assuming that they are planning on updating everything correct?


              Yes to updating this area of the guides. But priority is placed on getting the SIS and other core products back to 100% health.

              Cabby, do you know of any outside sources (WowWiki, TenTonHammer, etc) that would have the lists of quests that could be used as an outside guide?


                The only thing I could think of would be to use one of the Loremaster type addons to just pick up a bunch of quests as most of them give some rep with the different factions. Something like Quest Completist or EveryQuest.
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                  I've just been loading up the starting area guides and following those as best as I can. There will obviously be race-specific quests that you can't do but you can start to pick stuff up in the village after the starting areas, e.g. Brill for Undercity rep.


                    Originally posted by mzanker View Post
                    I've just been loading up the starting area guides and following those as best as I can. There will obviously be race-specific quests that you can't do but you can start to pick stuff up in the village after the starting areas, e.g. Brill for Undercity rep.
                    Likely I will do the same.

                    But definitely won't be like the folks I encountered when I was a very lowbie. I would have to actually work my way into a cave or tough area, just reach the boss or objective to have a lvl 80 (now 85) run through my cleared path and one shot the boss, "stealing" my kill and not providing any acknowledgement for my time it took to get into that area.

                    Before I knock out the objective, I'm gonna look about to see if a low level toon needs my help, offer it, and then do it.

                    Want to be kown as a good one.... not a jerk.


                      As the reputation guide is more a spin off of the normal leveling guide I'm sure they'll get them fixed the way mzanker suggests by just starting in the first village.

                      It's always a good idea to team up when you encounter someone on the same quest especially when it is a low level character. But this behaviour is in general very race and class specific.
                      On Alliance side those running past you to get the boss before you are usually Human or Night Elf paladins and death knights. The most cooperative players on Alliance side are Gnomes!

