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Quests not linked or Bug?

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    Quests not linked or Bug?

    I'm level 81 now and i seem to be going a little faster than the guide so some non-needed quests come up i skip them and everything is fine until step 108 in Mount Hyjal This is when it starts to skip every quest all the way up into Deepholm. Also Tauren guides are messed up too but thats not a problem for me.
    Character Goals:
    Snowdoug- Goblin Warlock

    SIS is not working after level 60 so go into the guide options, section dynamic progress, uncheck the three boxes and move the slider to 80.
    All quests in Cataclysm content ar emarked as level 80 so if you reach 81 the guide will start skipping unless SIS is disabled.


      THe SIS function is not working for the 60-85 portion of the guide right now. Please turn it off by following these directions: Right click the Z icon on the mini map, click the “+” symbol next to Zygor Guides Viewer, click Dynamic Progress uncheck all three boxes and move the slider to 80. Then go back to step 1 of the Mount Hyjal guide and right click the right arrow. It will start skipping green step which you have already done. Do any steps it stops on and follow from there. Reason why is because almost every quest in the 80-85 are linked together and you must do one to get the other. This should get you back to going. Also until it's fixed if you have hierlooms we recommend you take them off because with the sis not working the guide really can't keep up with the for now.
      I'm Rebur, Tadia, or Judianna most games.
      Twitter @Chaos5061.
      Translations are done with Google Translate.

