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Vashji quest is bugged

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    Vashji quest is bugged

    I want you all to know there is a bugged quest in vashji, Well on arieal Peak server anyways. When you take the quest to defend (I can't remember the name off hand) but I believe its step 338 or 339 you are stuck in a sub and can't leave other then hearthing out or by dying.

    As you enter the sub after the cut screen you start to loss air and I have seen at least two people die this way. The issue was reported to Blizzard but I am letting the community know about this issue before hand so they can act accordly. I decided to go to deepholm and start questing there. Anyways, as this is not zygor's bug I wanted to make this public and wanted you all to know before hand.

    Thanks for giving everyone a heads up. Seems were not the only one still sorting out bugs :P
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      Oh every guide I own for wow has some sort of bug or bugs. I am testing or trying out the end quest for this area on alliance next see if there are any errors there.


        I also had this with one char that I lost air in the sub...
        But another good one is the first time you are in the sub to go to the next cave. I looked around and explored the sub and hey, there's a hatch in the ground... And suddenly I found myself outside the sub
        Good thing is that I was able to follow the sub underwater and the quest got completed.


          Hmm, I wondering if there is a problem on the alliance side also. Is there a way to move this to the general forum part. Has anyone check to see if the same thing happens on the alliance (sorry I havn't gone far on the alliance side been working more so on the horde)


            As of now I havent experienced this on the alliance side, but I havent ran a toon through Vash for a little while.
            My DK is coming up to the Vash zones, so Ill know then if this is a problem on the alliance side.
            Thanks for reporting it. I love to see members pitching in to help the other members like this. Makes it a close community.
            "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


              Found out the name of the quest

              Ok before I couldn't really remember the questline or quest name here it is. Its Defending the rift.


                We've had reports of this quest being buggy in our guild. Just abandon and retry.


                  Does anyone know if this issue was fix with this weeks patch for WoW?


                    I finished Vash on my DK last night, and did not encounter this problem. Hopefully it is fixed.
                    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


                      Did this quest yesterday. I had a "breath bar" pop up for just a couple of seconds but it disappeared when I moved.

