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Mag'har rep and The assassin quest chain.

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    Mag'har rep and The assassin quest chain.

    I have noticed that there are quite a few reports that when players, using this wonderfully written guide with dynamic progress enabled, reach the quests that require mag'har rep at neutral or above - they are unable to accept those quests due to missing a very important chain: "The Assassin" quest chain that begins the journey to unlocking Mag'har rep with "The Mag'har" quest unlocking future quests.

    I realize that there may be some people that would prefer being able to skip this chain (particularly those who lvl through dungeoning.) I myself don't like the chain due to the travel time it used to require.

    Not the case any more. You no longer have to make the trip to Orgimmar to finish the chain and unlock Mag'har rep. You only have to turn "The Mag'har" quest in at Nazgrall to finish the chain and unlock the future quests.

    A note from WoWwiki.com:
    You MUST have completed the quest chain of "The Assassin" up until the quest "A Spirit Guide" (where you become Neutral) in order for you to talk to most people in Garadar.
    Ok, so there you go. I was mistaken on "The Mag'har" quest unlocking future quests.

    I think that we should either be able to mark quests that we never want to skip for all toons, or that the Mag'har chain should be made a quest chain that the SiS will never skip to ensure that the future quests are always unlocked once you get to Nagrand.

    Of course, players could just make sure to run that quest chain by themselves.

    If you change the allow levels ahead setting in the dynamic progress section of the guide options to 5 in Outlands you should be fine with reputation stuff.
    I don't know how the Zygor team will handle those reputation issues in the future, some quests are needed to unlock things very late for example the Orebor Alliance quests in Zangarmarsh unlock Telaar in Nagrand. Maybe they mark those reputation building quests as not skippable.
    This all depends on how the new SIS will work so we have to wait for it. At least the Zygor team is aware of the problems in Outlands.


      This issue still exists in the last (3.1.2029) build... Finding myself in the middle of Nagrand and impossible to pick Garadar quest was quite inexpected...


        Yes, with +20% XP from heirlooms the guide was telling me I was ready to go to Zangarmarsh well before it got to "The Assassin". I went and did that quest chain then went to Zangarmarsh.


          I recommend to strictly follow the guide in Outlands. Even if you are ahead of the guide you get full XP for quests as long as they're green and you will most likely not encounter grey quests...


            Yes, I usually do that - and end up at level 70 in Blade's Edge. This time I'm testing out the new SIS - and I want to do the Shadowmoon quests, too.


              We are going to be adding in a feature very soon for the Mag'har and Kurenai questlines. Thanks for the information.
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