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What do you guys believe about this guide

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    You still dont get it, do you?
    Thats ok, Ive pointed out in great detail where you went wrong. One day, in a moment of flash-realization, the concept presented to you here will come. Its all a part of critical thinking skills.
    In the meantime, yes, any posts you make slamming guides you dont own will get deleted or edited, depending on content of said post.
    Opinions on what you experienced and have knowledge of is just that, an opinion. Since you dont own them and have yet to experience them, it isnt an opinion, but rabble-rousing. Opinions are welcome, rabble-rousing is not.

    "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


      Rude and unprofessional. LOLZ!! That made my day.
      "The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas."


        Hey there,

        Let's get back to the subject before this thread is required to be closed. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if, when, or who deleted your previous replies. If they did, there was likely a good reason for it. If you're unsure if the guides are right for you, then I encourage you to use the Zygor Guides Trial to test out the new content. If you feel like the provided content does not match your requirements, then I'd suggest you not purchase the guides. However, do note that the company will be adding content based on community input. If there's a strong desire for a certain achievement, mount, pet, etc., then the staff will likely add it to the new guides. If this does not satisfy you personally, then that's perfectly fine. /discussion

        Now, please return back to the subject at hand.
        It may seem narcissistic to link this, but it's awesome nonetheless.


          so am I correct in assuming that this guide really isn't worth getting? Where is the list of mounts that are explained on how to obtain? I could care less about the pets, I am more interested in the mounts.


            Current list of pets and mounts is in this post: http://www.zygorguides.com/forum/sho...ll=1#post69468
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


              I was just curious as to why all the mounts were not in the guide. Are more added with the updated or is this all we can expect to see?


                Originally posted by Zygor Support 2 View Post
                Are you saying you'd prefer a single guide that walks you through getting all of them?

                The full list will be on the site tomorrow. Sorry that this isn't available at the moment
                Was this list ever posted? It's now Nov. 19th and my list of mounts within the Horde only mounts section is doodoo


                  I don't think the list has been updated since the link in my post above yours. I'll see if I can get the team to work on this.
                  My Flight Path Follies guide

                  A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                  I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                  All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


                    I had planned on buying this guide today but after seeing the list of mounts most of what I see is those u buy from vendor after rep exalted. I can do that on my own. Glad I read these post today. saved me money.


                      For those of you who don't want to purchase the pet guide: Wowhead.com says hi. You can find out how to get pretty much any pet in the game just by reading the comments from contributers. To be fair, I have only purchased the leveling guides and that's I all I plan on purchasing for the time being. I'm sure the other guides are magical and all, but the leveling guides are all I need to be happy.


                        Originally posted by boonraider View Post
                        I had planned on buying this guide today but after seeing the list of mounts most of what I see is those u buy from vendor after rep exalted. I can do that on my own. Glad I read these post today. saved me money.
                        But how you get that rep is part of the guide.


                          So I was grinding pets when I had a problem. I installed another pet assist addon. It was re ordering my pets in my interface. But as soon as I turned it on I noticed that my Pet Battle page that used to pop up at the start of any battle and told me what the rare-ity of the pet I was thinking about capturing-

                          It's gone- and I can't figure out how to get it back.

                          Has anyone else seen this problem?


                            Make sure the option in "Extra Features" is checked to show it.


                              Ahh, thanks I found it now. Thanks for getting back to me so quick!


                                "Believe" is an odd word choice, vs. "think." I believed the trial guide would give me some heads-up there was some functionality in place about the mounts, aside from icons in the journal. Specifically, I was hoping when I pointed at a player with an interesting mount (e.g., one I didn't own), I'd at least learn something about where it came from, where to get it. Maybe since it was a trial version, a lot of "stubs," that is to say "learn how to get this in the paid version!"

                                Same things could be said for companions, critters in the world, and hunter pets. I really saw extremely little of this functionality except during certain battles. Then, it was an overload of information - like looking at a full Pokemon card (or pair of them, actually the synopsis of all 3 of my battle pets) at the same time, plus the other info in the window.

                                This sort of information overload is not especially helpful or useful during a real-time combat situation! You need to have something that gives you action buttons to make informed decisions NOW. Like a recommendation to switch, use a certain move... Not just flood the screen with data that by the time you've read through it all, 3 combat moves have left your pet for dead.

                                So the trial has been a no-sale. Most things I buy for alliance and horde, as I have characters on both sides, so I loathe having a feature of yours present on one faction and missing on the other. $25 this has not sold me on value, and definitely not $50. My personal opinion, and why.
                                [COLOR="#008000"][i]--Unktehila Iksar, Sebilisian Beastlord of Kalimdor[/COLOR][/i]

