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Northrend angler and Limnologist

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    Northrend angler and Limnologist

    I just got the achivement guide, in part to complete some of the fishing achivs without the bother of finding the spawn locations and route planning. However, the guide doesn't recognize correctly which pools I have already fished and which not, so I'm having to check these things manually anyway - this is not quite what I was expecting, and gottta say I'm a bit disappointed. Any thoughts on what's wrong?

    It looks like the goal numbers of the achievement in the guide are not correct.
    I think the list for Northrend Angler should be:
    1: Borean Man O' War School
    2: Deep Sea Monsterbelly School
    3: Dragonfin Angelfish School
    4: Fangtooth Herring School
    5: Glacial Salmon School
    6: Glassfin Minnow School
    7: Imperial Manta Ray School
    8: Moonglow Cuttlefish School
    9: Musselback Sculpin School
    10: Nettlefish School

    Don't have time to look into the Limnologist now as it is not that easy with the English names in the guide and German WoW client.
    I'm putting this on the bug list.


      It's definitely bugged. Fish, I haven't cought are registered as caught, andfish I have are not recognized. Must say I'm disappointed about the quality of this product. I've used the leveling guides, and expected the same quality as they have - I'm close to calling this a rip-off.


        Please keep in mind that anytime Blizzard decides to change the Item, NPC, or Quest ID numbers it affects our guides. Blizzard seldom announces when they make these changes so we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. We have to often wait for someone like yourself to let us know when something is wrong so we can then figure out what Blizzard changed so we can make the appropriate changes in the guide files.

        In this instance it looks like we have messed up the goal numbers associated with the achievement and you're the first person to report this problem.

        Here's a quick fix you can perform so the guides will work for you as intended until we can get the fix implemented and pushed out to the updater.

        1. Navigate to your WoW/Interface/AddOns/ZygorGuidesViewer/Guides folder and open the ZygorAchievementsAlliance.lua file with your favorite text editor.
        2. Search for 1517/6 and replace all with 1517/2
        3. Search for 1517/2 and replace all with 1517/3
        4. Search for 1517/7 and replace all with 1517/4
        5. Search for 1517/3 and replace all with 1517/5
        6. Search for 1517/8 and replace all with 1517/6
        7. Search for 1517/4 and replace all with 1517/7
        8. Search for 1517/9 and replace all with 1517/8
        9. Search for 1517/5 and replace all with 1517/9
        10. Save the file

        This will be done the easiest and fastest with using your text editor's built in search/replace function.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Thanks - I'll try that. And apologies for being cranky - guess I was having an off-day :-/


            Any conformation this has been corrected in guides 4.0 and higher?


              I looked into the guide file and it seems to be not fixed yet.
              I'll put it back on the bug list.


                Was looking thru the guides and I see that the Northrend Angler has been fixed but The Limnologist and The Oceanographer achievement still needs goals changed.

                Was going to do a list of the changes but the guide needs a complete re-write. About half of the fish listed in it are no longer part of the achievement.
                My Flight Path Follies guide

                A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

                I reject your reality and substitute my own.

                All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

