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Herbalism 1-525 doesn't appear to work

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    Herbalism 1-525 doesn't appear to work

    Zygor Team or forum members,

    So, I deem myself a reasonably intelligent person and can follow directions, however, this guide seems either worthless, or broken.

    I've a new character, level 23 Pandaren Monk, that I wanted to level with herbalism and mining. I tried to see how the guide would work, however, in trial mode, it would only take me to the herbalism trainer and refused to do any other steps.

    Based on my good experience with the leveling and dailies guides, I decided what the heck, I'll try the professions guide, surely it would be a good addition.

    I purchased the $35 add-on, enabled, and was presented with step 8, to go collect Mageroyal, Bruiseweed, and Briarthorn in the Wetlands. I've zoomed the mini-map all the way out as it requests and enabled herbs finding in the WoW tracker. I've also made sure I'm on the right step by restarting the guide from step 1 and asking it to take me to the next available, unfinished step (Step 8, as mentioned above).

    Essentially, I've followed the in-game path, and it appears not to be working. Sure, there are game-found herb yellow dots, but it appears to basically be up to me to grind this on my own, by going all over the map, since following the path is pointless, I'd be grinding forever.

    What I expected, from the product description, was in-game guidance or a farming loop that the Zygor arrow would present. What I have instead for $35 appears to be instructions to go grind these 3 herbs and I'll make it to 125....... well Duh, I don't need a plugin to tell me that.

    I'm hoping that someone can either tell me I'm not using this correctly, or that there's a bug that can be fixed ASAP for the paid product. Elsewise, I'd like to request a refund and I'll be happy to reload Zygor and delete this product add-on. Again, I like the other products I've purchased, but this one is feeling like it either doesn't work, or doesn't work as advertised and is not what I was led to believe I'd be paying for.

    I look forward to responses from the Zygor team to either correct my assumptions and assist me in understanding how to use this plugin, or a refund if indeed this is basically just telling me some text steps I can freely find on the internet from farming path sites.

    Thank you in advance for reading my wall of text !


    First of all let me assure you that there are farming loops that the arrow should be directing you to different waypoints while you are watching the mini map. (kinda like the Routes addon)

    I'm thinking you may have a corrupted installation somewhere. Please go try this:

    1. Go to WoW/Interface/AddOns and delete the ZygorGuidesViewer folder in there
    2. Go to WoW/WTF/Account/<accountname>/SavedVariables and delete any Zygor files in there
    3. Run the Updater and do a fresh install of the guides
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Hey Cabby,

      So the full delete/install new worked. I'm guessing that when I ran the update today to get the add-on, it wigged out something in the saved files....

      In any case, that suggestion worked, faith in the product is restored, and I'm back to being a happy gamer.

      Thanks for the fast response, I'll re-post here if anything weird happens related to this specific guide.



        Glad to hear that worked.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

