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Professions Guide - Enchanting

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    Professions Guide - Enchanting


    You need to seriously look at your Enchanting Guide 1-525. It is full of flaws; you're asked to buy WAY more materials than actually needed.

    This is a waste of my gold in-game and such an incompetent move from your side. Do your jobs please, Jesus not like Enchanting has just been introduced to WoW! <.<

    - Kim

    Alright, check it out. Usually on posts like these, I typically go off the deep end, and in turn, my post sometimes gets deleted by the mods here and I get a pm telling me to be a bit nicer. Not gonna lie, there's been several times that it's happened. But, since you're fairly new to the forums, I'm gonna offer some advice instead of my usual rant. The team here does this for a living. This IS how they provide for their families. Pay their bills etc. They pull more than 40 hours a week so they can try to keep the guide running as smoothly as possible. They're not responsible for things that are changed by Blizzard on the servers that don't require us to patch. So calling them incompetent and asking them to do their jobs, help them out a little. If you find a bug or something in the guide that's not matching up, take a note of it, where it's at, as much info as you can and post it here. The team will then take a look at it as soon as they can and find a remedy for it. They are real good about fixing things that we find wrong in the guides but they can't fix it if they don't know about it. I seriously doubt them having a team dedicated to leveling toons and professions to cap on a non-stop basis. So calm down a bit, and post your findings.


      Originally posted by dulak View Post
      Alright, check it out. Usually on posts like these, I typically go off the deep end, and in turn, my post sometimes gets deleted by the mods here and I get a pm telling me to be a bit nicer. Not gonna lie, there's been several times that it's happened. But, since you're fairly new to the forums, I'm gonna offer some advice instead of my usual rant. The team here does this for a living. This IS how they provide for their families. Pay their bills etc. They pull more than 40 hours a week so they can try to keep the guide running as smoothly as possible. They're not responsible for things that are changed by Blizzard on the servers that don't require us to patch. So calling them incompetent and asking them to do their jobs, help them out a little. If you find a bug or something in the guide that's not matching up, take a note of it, where it's at, as much info as you can and post it here. The team will then take a look at it as soon as they can and find a remedy for it. They are real good about fixing things that we find wrong in the guides but they can't fix it if they don't know about it. I seriously doubt them having a team dedicated to leveling toons and professions to cap on a non-stop basis. So calm down a bit, and post your findings.
      That's nice. Yes, exactly.. We pay them, for a service and it provides a living, I understand that. But what I don't understand (And you'd know this if you looked in this profession forum, since I've posted several things on other professions), is that almost all profession guides ask you to mill, grind, buy, mine, etc... WAY bloody fucking more materials than NEEDED.

      It is a waste of time, it's a complete joke if you buy them on AH, cause you're wasting hard earned in-game currency and yet I pay 35-40$ for these addons, which isn't cheap by any mod-standard and YET, considering most professions, bar JC and Inscription has been in the game for eons.. Yeah so Blizzard changes A LITTLE, but nothing they don't bloody well annouce prior to releasing a patch!

      So NO I can't really see your point, cause I do not feel like a valued customer, providing for their living, when it's nothing but fail. Now what I could and would understand, is if this was just some Curse client download, some nutjob spends his free time doing and it bugs and does errors... BUT fact, free mods seems to be more thought through than these PAID for addons.


        We will look into the Enchanting guide and see what's wrong there. What dulak was saying is that we don't work directly with Blizzard, so anytime they make changes server side it messes up a perfectly valid, working guide and we only find out when a customer reports it. This is especially true of professions guides, which require very precise calculations of materials. If Blizzard changes the ingredient cost of a recipe, or when a recipe goes yellow/green, or even how many skill ups a recipe will yield, that breaks our guide. I'm afraid that's the nature of things, but the advantage of a digital guide and the service you pay for is that our team works round the clock to get these guides updated when changes are made, which you won't find from any other source, such as printed guides, which become obsolete the moment they hit the shelf, or free web based guides, which typically see delays in updates because they are made by hobbyists and not people who do this for a living.
        Zygor Guides Creative Director

