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Leatherworking problem

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    Leatherworking problem

    Go To "npc" to learn Thick Armor Kit.

    The problem is... im 186 leatherworking skill.. And Thick armor kit is at 200. There is probally way more bugs in this guide than ive ever noticed... but this was just Raging me cause LW aint that easy To ding up even with the guide.

    Please update your guides (this one was just fixed 2 days ago) and then see the following post for the only known bug with the latest update.

    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      i can then tell u my guide is Always updated... so thats not the problem... And it still says it for me...


        I just looked at the Leatherworking guide in game and it has you reach 200 before asking you to learn Thick Armor Kit from Simon Tanner on step 70. Top of the step in the window even says Leatherworking 200-225 farm. If you see something different then your guides are not updated. An easy way to check this is to right click the Z icon on your mini map and then click on the Zygor Guides Viewer entry on the left, now at the top of the window you'll see the guide version number and the current version is 3.3.3360.
        My Flight Path Follies guide

        A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

        I reject your reality and substitute my own.

        All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


          Well I am at the same level but experiencing a bit of a different problem. The guide does not ask me if I want to farm for materials when I run out of them. I have updated the guide several times and even clicked on the repair button on the updater to no avail. So my question is, "Is it possible that I have messed up an in guide setting?" Is there a settings in game that would shut that option off? any help you could provide would be helpful. Thanks


            This is probably because the guide only has one step for gathering all of the materials at once before going onto the crafting process. If you had already done some leatherworking before starting to use the guide it's possible that the guide jumped into the middle of a section and skipped the gathering/farming step. The guide does try to take into account failures with crafting when having you gather the materials but if you have a higher than normal failure rate (for whatever reason) it's possible to run out of materials before you get the skill points to move on to the next gathering step, at which point the guide won't prompt you to go gather again. You can always hold the Ctrl + Alt keys to step back thru the guide to get to the farming section and see where to go to get more materials.
            My Flight Path Follies guide

            A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

            I reject your reality and substitute my own.

            All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.

