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Mining guide and travel system

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    Mining guide and travel system

    I'm having a bad time with this. Each time it moves me to a new zone to mine a higher-level ore the travel system doesn't change from the current "path(n)". Telling it to recalculate doesn't help. What does help (eventually, although it's very hit and miss) is stepping foward a few steps in the guide then stepping back again - that usually kicks it into deciding where you need to be.

    If I right-click on the arrow to look at the travel steps it does seem to know where it needs to go (e.g. for Mining level 200 it says Destination: Path(1) Thousand Needles) but the arrow itself is still stuck on the path in Western Plaguelands. For the step in the travel system window it also just says path(29) at the moment with no more steps.

    This is a fresh installation of the latest version of the guide (i.e. 5881 with savedvariables deleted).

    Ok, will get this onto the list for the dev team to investigate.
    My Flight Path Follies guide

    A pessimist knows all women are bad... an optimist hopes they are.

    I reject your reality and substitute my own.

    All foreign languages are done with Google Translate.


      Thanks Cabby

